A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
I think you're referring to mason bees, right? I had thought about getting those if I couldn't get hives built (or help husband build them) in time for honey bees. They are said to be about 100 times more efficient pollinators than honey bees even.Mackay said:me&thegals,
my neighbor has bees. she said they cost $35,and just for pollenating. They come in cylinders and live in those. In the winter you store them in the frige. They have no stingers and are not good honey makers, but I was surprised at how cheap and easy they were....sounds like a hot date hugh?
Oh--I forgot. My husband and I built our top bar hives. That was a HUGE money saver--no foundation, frames, chemicals or anything. Some money for windows and hardware, but the wood was lying around the farm from last logging. Had to buy the bees, of course.
Foraging--starting to eat quite cheaply again with wild asparagus and garden produce.
Packed my kids' lunches. I do this 4 out of 5 days. School lunches are $2 each. I think I can pack their lunch for less than 50 cents.
Making bean sprouts and brewing another batch of kombucha plus sun tea. I would never buy these things in the store, but if I were to, this would have saved quite a bundle.