Lovin' The Homestead
I just found the recipe. It was a recipe from patandchickens. I have posted to that thread so that it would come to the top of the list and be easy for you to find. It is an excellent and easy recipe!
Out of curiosity, what recipe do you use for canning cat food? And do you have a dog food recipe? I have been putting away dehydrated raw dog food, but your post peaked my interestfreemotion said:I'll be over for a muffin later. I have 33 pints of catfood in the canner and 3 pints of chicken broth just to fill up the load. Hope to report more savings by the end of today, as I am mostly off. Slow week, scary, so I have to save money especially when I am not making it!!!
ETA: Someone WILL ask how I got so many jars in my canner....two canners, 20 reg mouth in one and 16 wide mouth in the other!![]()