Mountain Sage
Bought more CFLs at $6 for 3/60kw bulbs.
Bought 7 laying pullets at $6 ea. and they will pay for themselves in about a month with egg sales.
Will cull approx. 7 older hens and a roo this weekend, freeze and then can them up later during canning season, when the water is already hot.
May even incorporate them into some slumgullion that I am canning this summer.
Selling eggs like hotcakes now, which pays for feed and plenty left over for profit.
Bartering eggs for seed potatoes, which are supposed to become pretty pricey this year.
Bought 7 laying pullets at $6 ea. and they will pay for themselves in about a month with egg sales.
Will cull approx. 7 older hens and a roo this weekend, freeze and then can them up later during canning season, when the water is already hot.
Selling eggs like hotcakes now, which pays for feed and plenty left over for profit.
Bartering eggs for seed potatoes, which are supposed to become pretty pricey this year.