Sustainability Master
Scotch tape on cat paw is hysterical! Sorry, no cats were harmed during the typing of that post.
I love the idea of putting my cat under one. I'll have to take the sock off his head first.
Since we all happen to be cat lovers here, I will be glad to share how to give a cat a bath so you don't get all scratched up. First, liberally apply shampoo or dawn dishwashing liquid to the cat's back(dawn kills fleas). Then drop cat in a clean toilet and quickly slam lid. Flush. Flush again. Don't worry about sounds coming from the toilet cat, he/she is actually enjoying this. Flush repeatedly several more times. Peek carefully through the crack between the toilet bowl and seat to see if all soap suds are gone. If satisfied, lift lid. ( be sure bathroom door is closed) Then trap cat under milk crate which confines the cat, making it much easier to blow dry him/her without fear of getting your arm torn off. Your cat should be making lots of deep growly noises, punctuated by shrieks of joy. When the cat's fur begins to smoke, it is dry. You may now open the bathroom door (failure to do so may result in torn wallpaper as he/she makes laps around the room trying desparately to find a way out so he/she can show off his/her clean shiny slightly singed fur). You may now lift the milk crate.
And that folks, is what you can use a milk crate for.
I love the idea of putting my cat under one. I'll have to take the sock off his head first.
Since we all happen to be cat lovers here, I will be glad to share how to give a cat a bath so you don't get all scratched up. First, liberally apply shampoo or dawn dishwashing liquid to the cat's back(dawn kills fleas). Then drop cat in a clean toilet and quickly slam lid. Flush. Flush again. Don't worry about sounds coming from the toilet cat, he/she is actually enjoying this. Flush repeatedly several more times. Peek carefully through the crack between the toilet bowl and seat to see if all soap suds are gone. If satisfied, lift lid. ( be sure bathroom door is closed) Then trap cat under milk crate which confines the cat, making it much easier to blow dry him/her without fear of getting your arm torn off. Your cat should be making lots of deep growly noises, punctuated by shrieks of joy. When the cat's fur begins to smoke, it is dry. You may now open the bathroom door (failure to do so may result in torn wallpaper as he/she makes laps around the room trying desparately to find a way out so he/she can show off his/her clean shiny slightly singed fur). You may now lift the milk crate.
And that folks, is what you can use a milk crate for.