What do YOU do?


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
Avoid things that would logically appear on a list of "How to WASTE Energy" ;)

I actually think it is amusing, but also kind of scary, that the default condition in our culture these days is considered to be "not saving energy" (or not saving <whatever else>), rather than the other way around.



A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Great ideas! I was also thinking today of things that use up materials that would otherwise be wasted, so kind of saving energy.

We mulch with cardboard and newspaper, so at least the energy put into those isn't ending up in the landfill. Also, the wood ashes from winter go on the gardens and/or used on the ice.

Pat and chickens--Isn't that the truth?!? Sometimes it's all I can do to not turn the faucet down when my MIL is blasting it endlessly for a few dishes, beg people to walk 1/4 mile instead of driving, blah, blah. It is absolutely incredible how wasteful we are in America, including me!So, thanks for all the ideas! Although I am incredibly jealous of the $43 electric bill--wow!


Power Conserver
Jul 12, 2008
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<<We installed a new energy saving heating system and water boiler>>

Are you talking an outdoor wood boiler for heating the house? If so, how does it work? We had a homemade one, but had a lot of problems with it.


Power Conserver
Jul 19, 2008
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N. California
I like Pat's answer; less typing! :D

However, I will note one thing that is different about our use, and finally say something that's been bugging me for a while now. A respected member on one of the sister boards, made a comment, with disdain, likening people who are off the grid to hippies, and people who want to, "stick it to the man."

After being bugged all this time, I would like to say that I don't know what hippies or "sticking it to the man" have to do with anything, but we are not on the grid, and have not been for 20 years this summer.

We use a hybrid system which includes generators, battery banks, and solar panels. We have got a small hydro system set-up for a little extra juice in the winter when a seasonal creek goes by the house.

With that off my chest, I can cont. on and explain how it works for us.

There is a line of when draw increases gas use from the generator. At one point, you might as well use it because it will take X amount of gas to run things/charge the battery banks anyway.

Then, at another point, you reach the point where you are using more because of your usage. If that's a washing machine, then you've chosen to do so, but if it's something in the house that is just being used in the wrong grouping, we'd be wrong, and would turn it off.

For example, let's say that we can use 4,000 watts before changing the fuel use significantly. Well, you might as well cook. And perhaps have someone blow dry their hair. And then put a cheese sandwich in the little oven.

The gen can handle that easily, but you also have a couple of lights on, the ice box, deep freeze, and radio.

So handle it though it can, you've now crossed into heavier fuel use, so you don't do one of the above large things until the other is done, and therefore aren't wasting fuel.

Some people find this very complicated, but we don't have to think about the wattage of anything in our house. We know what any given item uses by heart, how hard it draws when it first cycles/goes on, and our power availability. Some people navigate boats in the ocean without thinking 2ce about it, we know what we can have on, or not have on, at the same time, and when. It becomes 2nd nature. :)

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
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S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
However, I will note one thing that is different about our use, and finally say something that's been bugging me for a while now. A respected member on one of the sister boards, made a comment, with disdain, likening people who are off the grid to hippies, and people who want to, "stick it to the man."

Come on now Tutter, you know you like to stick it to the man, and then you ride around in your psychedelic van waving the peace sign.
I heard about all you off the grid people.:) I tried to find a hippie smiley.
You finally made it over here, good to see you.
Congratulations on being able to get off the grid, I wish I could. Its impressive to be able to pull that off.


Power Conserver
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
N. California
Well, aren't you 3 funny today. :/

Hey there, Simple Life! Thanks, I'm glad to have found my way here, too. :) Well, I never said I didn't, I just said it bugged me.... ;)

I can't believe you found me out; I thought the van was my secret! :cool:

Beekissed, I shouldn't be posting anywhere else; I told you, I live in the green triangle! Tsk, tsk, tsk. Nifty, Nifty, Nifty. Just gotta' love him! :th :D

I see you laughing down there in the corner, Ticks! ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I do the usual to try to save electricity.
One thing is turning everything off behind my husband. Yup, leaves on lights and tv and such...drives me batty.

This season I put the AC on 77 for the day and 75 for the night. Tony complains too hot at night so I use the ceiling fan in the bedroom and that shut him up ok....

I use ceiling fans. they cut the AC bill definitely.

My pool, I filter 1/2 the amt. of time I used too and water is fine. So that saved me some.

I hate line drying clothes. They are sooo stiff and everything I tried doesn't work so what I do now is use the dryer on towels and heavier items (I dry 3/4 way and then line dry the rest....keeps clothes soft) and lighter items I line dry. Seems to work for me and Tony doesn't say the towels are super scratchy.

Time is a problem when line drying. We have alot of pop up T-storms in the afternoon and I hate for things to be "caught on the line"--LOL

good tips on this thread!

love blrw

Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Hey, peace dudes.
I am usually the last one out of the house in the morning, so I am the one turning off everything, then at night the same routine.
Talked to the kids about the amount of energy certain appliances use, so they need to take that into consideration when using them.
Use power strips for things that I can turn off together.
Florescent lights (saw the thread about mercury, ugh),
lower watt lights (even nightlight size for hall),
no crazy holiday light spectacular, just simple, a tree by the window, lights on on the holiday only,
Use a crockpot for cooking outside in the sun during nice weather-cuts the cook time in half, or the charcoal/wood grill.
Cool meals during hot weather-salads
Use candles in the winter.
We use cold water for all washing, and only wash full loads.
We also turn down the hot water on the water heater to the lowest setting,
insulate the pipes,
take short showers,
don't flush at night (the water softener is on at night, we have very heavy iron water),
use the low flow water heads for the shower,
no more dishwasher (I wish i had one when I can though),
let the rain wash the cars,
collect rain from gutter pipe into barrel for garden
take cool showers in the summer...
Some money savers... change cable tv to "antennae service" $10/month,
take long distance off the house phone, use cell for long distance calls,
drink water, or drink koolaid nonsweet (generic) 10/$1 at dollar store, add own sweetener (sugar, honey)
stock foods routinely used during sales, I stock for when my husband is laid off
cook from scratch
buy from online bulk stores/ buy food from dollar stores / spices from cvs
send for free samples,
use old 3 cylinder geo metro for driving around--- over 50 mpg, yeah!

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