I love turkeys, too! We have 10 Bourbon Reds, and the 4 males are constantly strutting around making spitting noises. They are so full of themselves!! I love the noises they make.
As for gardens, it would be easier to say what I don't plan to grow. I don't plan to grow organic popcorn and sweetcorn this year. I will let my husband do those his regular conventional way. Each family member spent about 20 hours the hottest week of summer weeding those and it was just insane.
I don't plan to plant sweet potatoes. I love them, but $18 for enough for about 20 CSA shares only once is just too pricey.
I probably won't try rutabagas, either. I don't know if I have a fungus or what, but I cannot grow a round rutabaga to save my life! They end up gnarly and atrocious every single year.
Plan to expand my beehives, raise at least 100 meat birds again (maybe 200?), let the turkeys regrow their numbers next spring (planning to butcher 60% this fall/winter) and probably for once not order chicks this spring. We'll see.
Cabbage moths: I sprinkled everything with baking soda this year, and it actually seemed to work! It's worth trying, anyway, as it is so stinkin' cheap.