Late For Supper
My "street" is 30 miles long.............
But in my neck of the woods.....Neighbor to the North(Dixie) is retired and has medical issues. Her husband died back in 1995(I sure do miss Red Man(Richard)
The Wife and I help take care of her and keep and eye out for any trouble.....
Neighbors DIRECTLY across the street(Clemens) both work, and we are very good friends with them. They also work with and know a few other folks that we are friends with, one of which lives one street to the west( I hunt his farm).
House beside them(Hoffman) is an elderly fellow(Dwayne) that I have helped out from time to time in the 25 years I have lived here. His wife died two years ago,and his son is living with him(David) that I get along with OK....Dwayne's youngest daughter married Dixie's(my neighbor to the North)oldest son(Rich) so it is kinda sorta a family affair around here!
I know a few of the other neighbors that live around us, and get along great with everyone I have met/associated with. Our volunteer fire dept. puts on an Ice Cream Social/ Fund raiser every year so we get to meet a lot of the folks that live in this township. I know a lot by name and what they do, but other than that, nothing tooo personal....
But in my neck of the woods.....Neighbor to the North(Dixie) is retired and has medical issues. Her husband died back in 1995(I sure do miss Red Man(Richard)
The Wife and I help take care of her and keep and eye out for any trouble.....
Neighbors DIRECTLY across the street(Clemens) both work, and we are very good friends with them. They also work with and know a few other folks that we are friends with, one of which lives one street to the west( I hunt his farm).
House beside them(Hoffman) is an elderly fellow(Dwayne) that I have helped out from time to time in the 25 years I have lived here. His wife died two years ago,and his son is living with him(David) that I get along with OK....Dwayne's youngest daughter married Dixie's(my neighbor to the North)oldest son(Rich) so it is kinda sorta a family affair around here!

I know a few of the other neighbors that live around us, and get along great with everyone I have met/associated with. Our volunteer fire dept. puts on an Ice Cream Social/ Fund raiser every year so we get to meet a lot of the folks that live in this township. I know a lot by name and what they do, but other than that, nothing tooo personal....