Corn Woman
Almost Self-Reliant
I start all my tomatoes, peppers and eggplant every year and I like Martino's Roma and San Marzano and won't be without them however I usually grow a dozen paste tomatoes. Royal chico from Baker Creek was very nice and if you want a very large paste try Sausage or Polish Linguisa. For "regular" tomatoes Homestead, Box Car Willie, Purple Perfect, Micado Violettor and Flamingo are heavy producers and taste wonderful. Sorry if thats too much info but I love tomatoes and grow 100 to 125 varieties every year, most of them heirloom. Also when it comes to blossom end rot a quick fix is epsom salts, I side dress the affected plants with 1 tablespoon and water in, if plants still show signs repeat. Also if anyone would like to swap some tomato seeds I'm always looking for something unique.