Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Does everyone get blue pills for a dentist visit??SKR8PN said:I had a dentist appointment at 8:00 am this morning..............
at 7:15, I took two little blue pills....Halcion I believe they are called....
We left the house at 7:45 and I can remember the first 500 ft of the ride.........
next thing I remember is the wife attempting to get me into the dentists office............after that...the next thing I remember is seeing my bed and thinking to myself "boy that sure looks inviting".............
I woke up around 2:30 pm, and had to pee really bad.....and I was in one of those drug induced "fogs"My day has been shot in the arse ever since.
But on the good side....I remember NOTHING of the dentist visit!
If so, I might get my teeth fixed............ I want to remember NOTHING of the dentist visit!!!!!!