Mountain Sage
My Black Stars, although excellent layers, don't seem to have a broody bone in their bodies. The NHR, WR and Aussies want to do the broody thing a lot and my Doms don't know what broody means. So, some of the breeds don't seem good for regenerating the flock but big, meaty gals all the same.
I'm culling my BOs for just the reason Pat described...big, meaty gals, not the greatest egg layers, who eat a lot. They don't do the broody thing either. I was kind of hoping to cross my BOs with my PR roo to get a pretty, meaty bird but, though they get the most breeding, they don't lay or brood well.
I'm culling my BOs for just the reason Pat described...big, meaty gals, not the greatest egg layers, who eat a lot. They don't do the broody thing either. I was kind of hoping to cross my BOs with my PR roo to get a pretty, meaty bird but, though they get the most breeding, they don't lay or brood well.