A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
In zone 4 of WI, we have had great luck with our Ameraucanas, SL Wyandottes, black Australorps, buff Orpingtons and some crosses I can never remember the names of. Even the larger-combed birds have done fine in this terrible cold in their unheated barn. We have a light on in there, but it's a CFL and not a heat source. Many of the heritage breeds are supposed to be dual purpose, including Australorps and Wyandottes. We just butchered all the males of those 2 breeds. It seemed to take FOREVER to get them to a decent size, but they were on their own side of an unheated barn during much of that time, free ranging before that. Still, we're talking 8 months. But, we may have done something wrong.
We have variety for several reasons:
1. They're beautiful.
2 We got the usual variety lust new chicken tenders seem to get (oops, no pun intended there)
3. We wanted a variety in egg colors.
4. Genetic diversity never seems like a bad idea.
We have variety for several reasons:
1. They're beautiful.
2 We got the usual variety lust new chicken tenders seem to get (oops, no pun intended there)
3. We wanted a variety in egg colors.
4. Genetic diversity never seems like a bad idea.