What recommended wastefullness do you avoid?


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
ORChick said:
Years ago my friend was visiting from across the country with her 2 children; the younger was 15 months old, and still in diapers. My friend bought a box of fabric softener sheets for when she washed the diapers while on the trip, and left the almost full box with me when they went home. That little girl will turn 18 (years) tomorrow, and I still have that box of fabric sheets (I know it is the same box because I have never, and would never, buy any myself :) ) I only use them for thngs that get static-y, like socks and underware, and tend to use them more than once - I've got a pretty little basket in the laundry room where the used ones go until the next load that might benifit from them. I started by cutting them in half, and then in quarters, and now in eighths, and find that they do the job just fine (for me, anyway). In summer I hang out my laundry, so I probably only use a sheet or two all year (even with the socks I sometimes forget :lol: ). When (if) I ever get to the end of this box I won't buy any more; for me personally the dryer itself does a perfectly adequate job of softening, though sometimes I put vinegar in the rinse cycle of the wash, especially when the clothes will be line dried.
I agree--I haven't bought fabric softeners for ever. first--they are bad stuff, second, if you turn the drier off earlier (my recommended wastefulness that I avoid), there IS no static. third, I line dry as much as I can.


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 11, 2009
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Washington State
You know what I don't do? Wash my car. The rain seems to clean everything off. Maybe this is bad for the paint? Anyway, if it got too bad, I'd just bum my parents car washing supplies so it would be free anyway.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
First - no dryer sheets EVER! I find that with my homemade laundry soap the clothes are softer and less full of static so I never need them. Also NO fabric softeners - a little vinegar if even that is ever necessary.

I am a cup keeper. I have a big cup it is almost always in use - pop (yes I am EVIL), Gatorade, lemonade, tea ... even (gasp) occasionally water. I give it a quick rinse and an occasional wash down, but I'll tote the same on for a week! (gasp again). Then I switch cups and give the original one a long hot soak and through washing.

Now that it is two in the house again, we are back to eating everything out of one big bowl each with one spoon. It is not for trying to save water either ... I have no dishwasher and I am stone cold lazy when it comes to washing the dishes!

Hubby was bad about drinking a cup of water and adding it to the sink EACH time he needed a drink. Now he keeps a water cup all day. (He is much healthier than me - no pop)

We also sit like hermits in one room with all of the house lights off except for one 7 wt CF light bulb in the evenings. He watches TV and I on the computer usually, but whatever we got another CREDIT this month on our electric bill so it works!

I never throw away food. We eat it for lunches, the dog eats it, the chickens eat it or it goes in the compost pile for the garden, but never in the trash.

No more fancy soaps in the bathroom. All of the left over bits are grated and formed into "fancy" little soap balls. Folks think they are fancy - really just cheap.

I never waste my weeds. I feed them to the chickens occasionally - but usually I just tuck the back around the plant that they were invading and let them become more mulch!

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
On top of a bunch of other things...No more plastic trash bags, ever.

There is very little that I dont feed to the chickens, recycle or stick in the self composting garden, so I have very little trash. I use a very small trash can and stick a paper grocery bag in it...so no more plastic trash bags. My next step is to remove the bag all together. Sadly this will leave me as the only trash taker outer. Yes it can be messier, but how hard is it to spray out a 10 gallon plastic trash can?:hu


Sustainable Newbie
May 21, 2009
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Portland, OR
I love that everyone has such great bits of wisdom to add! (This is my first post on SS! Can't wait to get to know you all!)

DIY Shampoo: 1 pt. castile soap, 1-2 pts. water, your choice of herbs. Bring water to boil, steep the herbs till cool, add to soap.

We don't buy things new (except food :) and electronics--we're tech junkies). We do thrift stores, garage sales, craigslist, and freecycle whenever possible.

Don't buy more than you need. Buy in bulk. Bring your own bags, no plastic. (I'm crocheting a grocery bag out of my old plastic bags!)

Biking, walking, buses... we have 1 car.

Homemade laundry soap:

1 bar soap
1 cup washing soda
1 cup baking soda
1 cup borax

Put in food processor (might want to grate the soap) and grind away. Use only 2 Tbs. per load.

Compost & recycle

Save scraps from veggies to make soup stock. Freeze them in yogurt containers or Kerr jars till you have enough to make stock. Freeze all your meat bones too, then roast them before throwing in the soup pot with the rest of the veggies. Bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns, water, you're good to go! It's an incredibly rich stock if you roast the bones.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Lonelilly--welcome to Sufficient Self!! You look like you will have a lot to add. I am going to have to try your recipe for the shampoo. Where do you tend to find castille soap?



Sustainable Newbie
May 21, 2009
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Thanks for the lovely comments! I'm in the Pac NW so it might be different somewhere else, but you can find Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap (it's the only one I know of) in pretty big containers at Fred Meyer, Trader Joe's, any natural grocery. The more lavender and rosemary I steep in the water, the better b/c I don't really like the smell of castile (my husband grew up on the stuff so he loves it). Good luck!


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 11, 2009
Reaction score
Washington State
I got Trader Joe's brand castille soap and wouldn't recommend it for shampoo. Dunno about the other brand though. Just watch out for added glycerin, as it makes you hair greaser, faster. I got the one I like online, and use 1/4 cup castille soap to 1 cup water. I don't add anything else, and it works just fine. http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/bathbody/body.html Again, I don't know about the Dr. Bronner's brand.

Lonelilly, mine is unscented! Does yours smell like peppermint? I didn't care for that smell on my head.

Anyway, I love my new routine. Castille soap, and ACV rinse! :love

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
lonelilly said:
Thanks for the lovely comments! I'm in the Pac NW so it might be different somewhere else, but you can find Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap (it's the only one I know of) in pretty big containers at Fred Meyer, Trader Joe's, any natural grocery. The more lavender and rosemary I steep in the water, the better b/c I don't really like the smell of castile (my husband grew up on the stuff so he loves it). Good luck!
Howdy neighbor! Welcome!

(Dr. Bronner's is my ultimate favorite in soaps. I have been using it since 1986! Back then it used to say on the bottle in one of those tiny fine printed words of wisdom that you could use it for birth control!! (Too scared to try it! :/) I can't live without it and my Tom's toothpaste--spearmint flavor.)

Anyway, I love this site, cant get enough of it. I have learned SOOO much!!


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