Frugal Homesteader
I agree--I haven't bought fabric softeners for ever. first--they are bad stuff, second, if you turn the drier off earlier (my recommended wastefulness that I avoid), there IS no static. third, I line dry as much as I can.ORChick said:Years ago my friend was visiting from across the country with her 2 children; the younger was 15 months old, and still in diapers. My friend bought a box of fabric softener sheets for when she washed the diapers while on the trip, and left the almost full box with me when they went home. That little girl will turn 18 (years) tomorrow, and I still have that box of fabric sheets (I know it is the same box because I have never, and would never, buy any myself) I only use them for thngs that get static-y, like socks and underware, and tend to use them more than once - I've got a pretty little basket in the laundry room where the used ones go until the next load that might benifit from them. I started by cutting them in half, and then in quarters, and now in eighths, and find that they do the job just fine (for me, anyway). In summer I hang out my laundry, so I probably only use a sheet or two all year (even with the socks I sometimes forget
). When (if) I ever get to the end of this box I won't buy any more; for me personally the dryer itself does a perfectly adequate job of softening, though sometimes I put vinegar in the rinse cycle of the wash, especially when the clothes will be line dried.