Food Guru
My favorite tea recipe....I have not found a commercial herbal or flavored tea that I really like, so if you don't either, you might like this one. I only really like black tea.
This is more like a chai tea. I grind up fresh ginger in the food processor until it is the texture of damp sawdust, skin and all. I just scrub it and inspect for mold on the cut ends, especially here in winter.
I simmer an amount about the size of an apple in 2 quarts of water, light simmer, for half hour. Then I turn off the heat and leave it to steep, covered, for a while, sometimes several hours. I also add a piece of cinnamon bark, about 3-4", and about 6-8 whole allspice seeds, and half a nutmeg. Plain ginger tea works well, too. This amount lasts us a week or two.
Then I strain it, with a funnel and a tea strainer, into two quart swing-top bottles and store it in the fridge. This is a concentrate that I add to make other drinks. Every batch has a slightly different flavor and strength, as is the way with whole foods, variety from batch to batch. I like it best to make my black tea with, I use 1/4 ginger tea with 3/4 water to make my tea. Or it stands alone (diluted with water). I sweeten it with stevia extract. This also makes a wonderful iced tea.
A favorite version for a refreshing cold drink for kombucha fans is a tall glass with 1/3 to 1/2 kombucha, 1/8 to 1/4 ginger tea, a half-dropper of pure stevia extract, and fill with water. Oh, that is SOOO good and refreshing! I bottle that in Grolsh (sp?) bottles and bring it with me on my long days of massaging horses in the summer. I can go through 4 bottles easily. But I cover them with one of those insulated water bottle holders so a passing cop won't think I am guzzling beer while driving! (*hic*
I grind the ginger in large batches when it is on sale and freeze it in appropriate portions in containers in the freezer. It goes directly into boiling water from the freezer. So it is really no work at all. I even make it when we travel on business, if we are staying in a suite with a kitchenette. I just buy a bit of ginger and slice it as thin as I can, simmer it, and leave the whole pan in the fridge. That's how much I love it!
This is more like a chai tea. I grind up fresh ginger in the food processor until it is the texture of damp sawdust, skin and all. I just scrub it and inspect for mold on the cut ends, especially here in winter.
I simmer an amount about the size of an apple in 2 quarts of water, light simmer, for half hour. Then I turn off the heat and leave it to steep, covered, for a while, sometimes several hours. I also add a piece of cinnamon bark, about 3-4", and about 6-8 whole allspice seeds, and half a nutmeg. Plain ginger tea works well, too. This amount lasts us a week or two.
Then I strain it, with a funnel and a tea strainer, into two quart swing-top bottles and store it in the fridge. This is a concentrate that I add to make other drinks. Every batch has a slightly different flavor and strength, as is the way with whole foods, variety from batch to batch. I like it best to make my black tea with, I use 1/4 ginger tea with 3/4 water to make my tea. Or it stands alone (diluted with water). I sweeten it with stevia extract. This also makes a wonderful iced tea.
A favorite version for a refreshing cold drink for kombucha fans is a tall glass with 1/3 to 1/2 kombucha, 1/8 to 1/4 ginger tea, a half-dropper of pure stevia extract, and fill with water. Oh, that is SOOO good and refreshing! I bottle that in Grolsh (sp?) bottles and bring it with me on my long days of massaging horses in the summer. I can go through 4 bottles easily. But I cover them with one of those insulated water bottle holders so a passing cop won't think I am guzzling beer while driving! (*hic*

I grind the ginger in large batches when it is on sale and freeze it in appropriate portions in containers in the freezer. It goes directly into boiling water from the freezer. So it is really no work at all. I even make it when we travel on business, if we are staying in a suite with a kitchenette. I just buy a bit of ginger and slice it as thin as I can, simmer it, and leave the whole pan in the fridge. That's how much I love it!