What To Do If Forced To Vaccinate


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Last year the whole family took D. Normally, my son catches colds pretty easily, but last year he was so healthy! I'm sure there are many other variables, but last year was great. He has had 3 colds in 3 months this year, so not sure what's going on there, but he's back on D for fall and winter now.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Big Daddy

you don't have time to dink around with vit d testing. Get some vit D3 and take 50,000 iu 3x day for 3 days and yes you read that right, 50,000 IU.
You are severely deficient, guaranteed.

Also take vitamin c to bowel tolerance. start with 10 grams repeat every 3 hours until diarrhea, then back down some. read about it at www.vitamincfoundation.org its called taking vitamin c to bowel tolerance.

Then get some colloidal silver 10 or 20 ppm or what ever you can get your hands on and put it in a nebulizer, 5 cc nebulized 3 times a day until well.

Trust me on this you will get well but please do it before end up in the hospital. Continue with your regular inhalers for asthma.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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That is the common treatment for D deficiency. Many people freak at that dosage, but it takes infants SEVERAL MONTHS at 40,000 IU to BEGIN to show signs of vitamin D toxicity.

Also, if you take vitamin D, make sure it is D3...NOT D2.

This is what I use...

I get it at vitamin cottage for around $15. A bottle lasts for months.


Power Conserver
Mar 21, 2009
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Mackay said:
HiDelight said:
I have to be honest none of that list makes much physiological sense to me at all ...and really I do understand and have studied immunizations my entire career ..but believe what you want about them I will never argue

what I will say however

but as a nurse who is VERY VERY pro immunizations

I agree with Wifezilla on this one

there is no way in hell I would ever put anything in anyone's body under force . I (and my friends we were just talking about this!) would make someone eat a syringe if they asked me to force it..nurses are not that easy to boss around trust me! LOL!!!!

lists like this fuel the fire I remember iron lungs :( I have seen babies die ...so choose your poison but not by this list or the fear you will be forced to be injected with something you do not want ..we are working on it in our state now with law suits one right after another ..no one will force us to inject you and if they do they better be hungry!
Quite a bit of it makes sense to me. That you have studied immunizations may not be as relevant as having studied alternative therapies and medicine and to understand what its capabilities are.

I would add to the list several dosages of MMS to combat any living virus that might be in the vaccine.

As a pediatric nurse for 15 years I will tell you that I have seen children die also and some from vaccine and other drugs they dole out. Fact of the matter is nobody sees children die these days except their family. All that privacy and HIPPA stuff conceals even more from the public. But their intent is for you to never see anything and they do a pretty dam good job of it.
OH Mackay I am sorry to have not posted back in a timely manner...I have to tell you first of all please do not assume I am strictly conventional in my idea of "medicine" and the funny part I too was a peds RN for exactly 15 years talk about ironic ..and also practice may "alternative" or "complimentary" medicine along with my love for my own field of practice and that is based on community health ...something I strongly believe in

I practice acupuncture as part of my nursing and advise all kinds of things that are considered "alternative" including nutritional therapies with my patients ...so do not assume that I am just one of those nurses who blindly follows ..I am too old and to knowledgeable to be pegged as anything other than someone who wants people to be well live long healthy lives and feel as good as they can ...I know that not every drug is good for everyone but I also this crosses all lines and that because it sounds "natural" does not mean it is...but while I believe in all of this I would not so much as assume I could read a person online and offer treatment modes based on a post in a thread that is just dangerous! and you must as a nurse know there are risks with all these supplements and heavy metal therapies too ..how can you triage and advise with out eyeballing someone? no it is not safe just to blatently rec high doses of Vit D to someone you meet online!

bottom line I do not get the idea that the same folks who freak out about the miniscule amt of mercury in a vaccine is an issue then turn around and introduce another heavy metal into your system ?

I have seen people OD on vit D since this new rush on boosting everyone's levels and the idea a little is good so more is better???? get yourself tested and treat accordingly ..I am low on Vit D so I supplement accordingly but would not assume anything with out checking? why introduce something into my system I do not need??? ... I have had kids come in od'd on colloidal silver ..I had one patient myself who was given it for strep throat and it was not only an overdose of the colloidal silver but the child also ended up with complications from the strep ..go figure huh? the idea that anyone would think a heavy metal like this would be good for them is beyond my reasoning and I am all about fixing things with out "drugs" ..but the reality of this product is it is a heavy metal and there is no real science behind it and while it may seem to cure things along with insanely high doses of vit D ..as a nurse you must know how wrong it is to advise this kind of thing online?

..I also do not push product ..if someone refuses to be immunized due to what I can only see as paranoia ...then fine it is a free country ..and no way am I going to be the one to force the issue ...

but I defy you to give me valid research and studies ...not just Internet info ..I mean studies and numbers that prove immunizing hurts more children than it helps?

I am so sorry this whole idea of wanting healthy kids and protecting from disease has become an issue of the idea that we are out to do damage ..I am old ..have worked as a nurse and was raised with "complimentary" medicine as well my father practiced both as well as an MD and so did my mother

but we all believe in immunizing and we all believe that things like toxic levels of vit's and the risks of using something like colloidal silver as a remedy for illness is dangerous

especially for kids! it is still giving something to your body that can cause risks and how you can believe that buying vit D (and I take it btw but in much smaller doses because it is a needed vit)

but telling someone to not be tested and take that much? omg
and then worry about immunizing as being dangerous ..you are walking an odd tight rope here so good luck and I hope this advice does not cause any serious damage to anyone!

as a registered nurse I would no more give that kind..or any kind of medical advise online ...I guess I just know that not seeing someone and knowing there history you can cause great damage doing something like this ..so good luck and if you choose to call one thing toxic then please consider your advice

I will back out of this now because I do not think my opinion is a popular one in this thread and as I said I am really all about doing what YOU think is right I believe in supplements ..if they are needed.....I am just sorry that I have to deal with the results of sometimes dangerous advice like this one

ok thanks for letting me vent you guys do what you think is right but I had to say my peace here! and if you are worried about immunizing being poi sen and giving your ikids/self insanely high dosages of colloidal silver I am just dumbfounded!!!

if you want to send me legit studies please I would appreciate a pm as I think I best not interrupt this thread again
I think if you want to carry on with this then please do but please do not pretend you are giving solid safe advice here and no way is telling somoene you do not know online to take massive doses of Vit D safe practice for anyone!

Please know when I did I did jump in it with the idea that doing what is healthy is best with out offering medical advice because you and I both could be anyone saying anything here

also I do indeed believe that without complimentary medicine we are really not treating everyone in a holistic manner ..but there is a difference ..and I have done my homework on both sides so I do know the difference

choose your poison but do not claim your advice is not also a with out a great deal of risk!

because it is there are some very serious side effects to the what you are saying here to people!! you do not know them and do not know thier history so be careful

we should do no harm you know

good luck everyone and please know that we will not stick a needle in your arm with our your permission but we will request you wear a mask to protect others from your choices

thank you :)


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I am not anti-immunization even though I am passing on the flu vaccines, but on the topic of vitamin D...

"Vitamin D Toxicity

Usually, vitamin D toxicity results from taking excessive amounts. Marked hypercalcemia commonly causes symptoms. Diagnosis is typically based on elevated blood levels of 25(OH)D. Treatment consists of stopping vitamin D, restricting dietary Ca, restoring intravascular volume deficits, and, if toxicity is severe, giving corticosteroids or bisphosphonates.

Because synthesis of 1,25(OH)2D (the most active metabolite of vitamin D) is tightly regulated, vitamin D toxicity usually occurs only if excessive doses (prescription or megavitamin) are taken. Vitamin D 1000 μg (40,000 IU)/day produces toxicity within 1 to 4 mo in infants. In adults, taking 1250 μg (50,000 IU)/day for several months can produce toxicity. Vitamin D toxicity can occur iatrogenically when hypoparathyroidism is treated too aggressively "


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
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DH had to take 50000IU Vitamin D daily, via prescription for 2 weeks, then reducing to 50000IU once per week for months. So that amount is tolerated for that amount of time and he was in very bad shape.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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BeccaOH said:
I got a vaccine today. :hit

I just wanted a basic tetanus shot since I'm always getting scratches and cuts when working with my poultry, fencing, etc.

Did you know that the shot now comes loaded with vaccine against Diphtheria and Pertussis (Whooping Cough)? I questioned the necessity of this, and the doc explained that the CDC is trying to wipe out these diseases and others like chicken pox like they did with small pox worldwide. They said since vaccinating for whooping cough, there is a generation gap where adults can get WC and give it to the kids that don't have a natural immunity passed on from their parents and are coming off their childhood vaccine for WC. Confusing, but I honed in on the fact that we are losing that natural immunity process.

Can any disease really be totally eliminated from the world? What if small pox gets stirred up somewhere? Could it come back in new force?

I don't know, but I still done like all these numerous vaccines. :/
I had Whooping Cough when I was pregnant with my youngest. It was awful! It took months to get rid of it. I had tried over the counter cough medicines, ones my Dr. seemed safe, but when those didn't work, and E complained to my Dr. that I was coughing all night and keeping both of us a wake, she gave me a script for cough syrup with codine. OMG that stuff was the BOMB! I slept through the night, and E did, too! :lol:

Know what? I had the DTP (diptheria, Tetnus, and Pertussis) vaccination in 2006 as a requirement for medical assisting. Still got Whooping Cough early in 2008!


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Regarding the various dosages and treatments being bantered around in here - please be careful, both with giving this advice and with following it. Any of these mega-doses needs to be monitored closely. The articles are all informative, but this forum shouldn't be used to diagnose or treat anything. As far as we know, no one here is a doctor or qualified to treat anything. All we can do is share knowledge and hopefully find someone in real life that can monitor whatever it is we choose to get involved with.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
reinbeau said:
Regarding the various dosages and treatments being bantered around in here - please be careful, both with giving this advice and with following it. Any of these mega-doses needs to be monitored closely. The articles are all informative, but this forum shouldn't be used to diagnose or treat anything. As far as we know, no one here is a doctor or qualified to treat anything. All we can do is share knowledge and hopefully find someone in real life that can monitor whatever it is we choose to get involved with.


Power Conserver
Mar 21, 2009
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reinbeau said:
Regarding the various dosages and treatments being bantered around in here - please be careful, both with giving this advice and with following it. Any of these mega-doses needs to be monitored closely. The articles are all informative, but this forum shouldn't be used to diagnose or treat anything. As far as we know, no one here is a doctor or qualified to treat anything. All we can do is share knowledge and hopefully find someone in real life that can monitor whatever it is we choose to get involved with.

no kidding huh?

thank you!!!

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