The pigs are reaping the bounty these days. I've got my extra refrigerator chock full of milk. I can't keep up with it, lol. I don't want to stop milking any of them because I'm still trying to decide if I want to sell one or more and they sure sell better if they are in milk!
So, today I began milking again. Yep, it has begun!!
See, I have 5 does in milk. Since they had kids nursing, big time, they have good production. 3 with twins, 2 with trips. I have used this to keep them producing while my own schedule calmed some. But, calm or not, yesterday was a good goat auction and I took 7 boys. ( 2 wouldn't/couldn't load with me alone and fighting others to stay IN the trailer. Had to leave.) Now, four of the five has one to nurse, fifth has twins to nurse....for a day or two. Separating the 2 bucklings tomorrow.
With that nice check in the bank, 7 head less to worry about, I let them out onto a fresh area of browse. They came back up to the barn area just stuffed & ready to chew cud. The boys had not been with them! One doe had not been nursed since daybreak. Let's just say -- she was READY to milk.
NONE of the 5 does has been milked before. Being the optimist I just put the collars on 3 without, got my equipment & a small fence panel. Led the first into the corner, hooked her to fence and had panel making triangle there. So full, I didn't offer feed.
She put up a little resistance for about a minute, until I squirted a little from each side & slid the cup on one side. That milk came pouring out. LOL She moved a tiny bit once. TADA!! Mini Nub, 1.5 QT. Let her out. Feeling really good -- I brought in one of the Saanens, Brat, and she was pretty much exactly the same. Another 1.5 qt and her doe had almost emptied one side already. Kids were nursing other 3 by then, so I let that be it for today.
NOW this thread needs more activity!!
I'll be moving the two boys tomorrow, then weaning the 4 doelings by end of week....soon as I get their shed re-arranged.
Then I will be in your shoes, FEM, with 5 does milking! We'll see how that goes as I might be overwhelmed. It may be that I leave doelings on for another week, separate at night only.
Then 4 can be 1X day...1 will be 2X.
I wish I lived closer to both of you. I have no does in milk this year and all the time in the world(that's not really true but I don't have a "real" job). I would so help you with chores in exchange for some milk
I made ice cream a couple times and it is deeeee lish!
Tonight I found another way to use the chevre. I took a log of it and sliced it into rounds - dusted em with four, dunked 'em in an egg wash and then pressed 'em into some flavored panko bread crumbs.....tossed those babies into a fryin' pan with a little olive oil and fried 'em up. Holy moly they were good dipped into some marinara sauce.