It takes me at least a week to get the kids back on track, I hate daylight savings :/
I'll be sleeping that extra hour - I had a very busy day cleaning out the coop, washing everything and re-filling with three bags of shavings. (I thought my hubby would be home when I was half way done NOT)
Well, I tried to sleep that extra hour. My son did. But we forgot to tell the cats and dogs about it and they were up at their usual time. Unrelenting. FEED US ALREADY. So I got up. Did the morning chores. I am doing coffee hour at church so I got that all ready. I ended up puttering in the kitchen for a while. Grrr. This happens every year!
dang if i didn't wake up at 6 which is really 5 now and couldn't go back to sleep. so tonight we'll all be feeling this. its amazing how 1 hour throws off your whole doggone day. :/
I was up at 5am wich I guess due to daylight savings was 4. Ugggg!!! The cat did not realize we were supposed to sleep in. I stuck with my usual routine. When finished I was ahead by an hour worked out great. I hate the early eviening dark though. Just my .02
Yeah, leave it to the Federal government to mess with time itself. The chickens don't care if it's daylight savings time or not, and I can adjust what time I get up and go to bed, on my own.
Just another excuse to try and micromanage our lives. IMAO