Tonight it's potato soup and Chardonnay. Worked @ cleaning my house today and I deserved the vino!! Rain off & on most of the day....gloomy! Back to work tomorrow.
Well I got my granddaughters wound up tighter that a rubber band - they are running around the house yelling "I'm a banchee" they don't know what a banchee is and I'm not sure I do either but they are running around the house screaming like banchee's. G pa is yelling at me and trying to calm down the granddaughters and the are running around yelling. It's funny...
So let's see here.. all the females in the house are yelling... i'm kicked back in the lazy-boy and Baby Bear (my DW male rotwieler pup is laying down next me) so all the males are chill, but we are getting yelled at? What's with that?
I was busy in the coops today so it was a Costco packaged night. Cheese tortellini with basil pesto and parmesan cheese. A few italian meatballs on the side.
I'm tired so the 10 minutes to heat it all was about my limit
It's crazy in this house! I think I got something I need to do in town. Hope it's calmed down a little when I get back. I guess I shouldn't have snuck the grand daughters a bunch of candy. I think their all jacked up on sugar!!! Daughter In Law doesn't let them have much candy. But she's in Japan and their dad is at work. So why not a bunch of candy? Now.they are riding the Rottweiler, screaming gitty up banchee. They are so cute!
DW wouldn't let me leave until she gave my granddaughters a bath. Well her Rottweiler pup jumped on the bathroom door and must have bumped it enough to cause it to fly open. He then jumped in the bathtub with my granddaughters, DW yelled at the poor guy and he jumped out of the tub and shook water all over the bathroom and this all my fault? how? I was just chilled out in the lazy-boy. I don't drink but I'm starting to think how late the bar is open in town? Granddaughters sure are cute though.
Well when I got back from town it's quiet in the house. The granddaughters are in bed fast asleep. DW met me at the door and told me I'm nothing but a big kid. Which I wholeheartedly agreed. It's the truth... I'm just a big kid at heart and I admit it. Then I told her she was awfully cute when she's mad and she smiled, so all's cool now... Plus I brought her a big chocolate bar while in town. I'm sure that chocolate bar helped a little also.
You know my granddaughters are still a little to young to take snipe hunting. Or else I would have got them all jacked up on candy, drenched them in cutters orange top, gave each one a paper bag and a stick and set them out in the tall prairie grass to beat on the paper bag with the stick and yell here snipe snipe snipe. It's always a hoot to take a kid snipe hunting for the first time. And you can toss a rock into the bag when their not looking and they think the caught a snipe. It's fun stuff....
LOL - gotta agree with your wife on the 'big kid' assessment! Those grandkiddos are in for a fun time 'snipe hunting' in a couple years! Or is it grampy that's in for a good time????