Goat Whisperer
Your right; that is depressing.
Gina,, I live near miramar open space and there is said to be a bunker about 2 miles form us.Hubby and DS have gone hiking around to see what they could find....came back empty handed of course, but I woudl love to find info on it!TanksHill said:I actually remember seeing a show a few years ago. They were attributing all of delays and issues to the airport being built on sacred Indian burial ground. No joking. I figured whatever building they did not use were haunted.
It is really strange all of the things going on with it. Like the barb wire fence. Do they maybe say someone put it on backwards and they just decided to leave it?
Why did they bury the buildings they claim were built incorrectly? Those murals on the you tube videos are just plain scary. That artist must have been either trying to send a message or just messed up in the head. Maybe both?
If it is a military strong hold or what not thats fine too, All I want to know is where is the one in Ca. I'll buy the land next door.
Yeah, but you made it yourself. That makes you a poser! A real elite would have paid way too much for it to be made in a 3rd world country by oppressed people. Making it yourself is just so bourgeois!Oooooo, am I elite???
The only thing I can say for sure is that the 2012 issue is not nonsense. Its been written in to many books over thousands of years. Now how it may be interpeded my be nonsense, but it is based on science. How can you credit the Mayan civilization and their calendar with nonsense? It is a much more perfect calendar than our Gregorian. The ancient Sanscrit teachings also speak of the same change in time that the mayans speak of. and it is found in Tibetian teachigs and Hopi also, but the Mayan and Sanskrit have it nailed right down to the day. Of course there is also the bible... prophesy of end times, the return of Christ, the depravation of culture, the wars, the false prophets, but of course the bible gives no dates.... but it is interesting to note that 2012 likely about pinpoints the 2000 year aniversary of the birth of Jesus.MorelCabin said:I am a huge conspiracy theory junkieReally I am...I have read them all, researched them all...been scared outta my pants by a few of them...and they are actually what ultimately led me to an SS lifestyle.
Solar Storms have been known to burn power transformers in the past...and could destry power for all the earth if strong enough, I suppose. Of all the conspiracy theories I have read, a solar storm seems the most likely...BUT without all that 2012 nonsense attached...
So we will be back to a land before hydro...we can all live with that...if it happens.
Wifezilla said:Yeah, but you made it yourself. That makes you a poser! A real elite would have paid way too much for it to be made in a 3rd world country by oppressed people. Making it yourself is just so bourgeois!Oooooo, am I elite???
As for conspiracies, I do find them fascinating, but I always keep a certain quote in mind...
"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor