Where did everyone go?

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Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Hey everybody, thanks for all the great discussion and feedback. We really appreciate those that are working with us to make our community better in a helpful, friendly, and cooperative manner. We also understand that some feeling were hurt and I'll address that in another thread as this one has gone all over the map! :p

A really quick note regarding the "culls" discussion: Please be careful not to read so much into what was posted. The statement about "self-culls" or people that choose to leave a community permanently was here: http://www.sufficientself.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=308992#p308992

The way I interpreted the statement is this: Forums go through cycles. People who choose to leave a community are welcome to do so. For some people, our community may not be a good fit and it may be better for them and our group that they choose somewhere else more appropriate for their communication style to participate. This happens on all my forums (I own / run 5 of them) from time to time, for example: None of the forums I own are appropriate places for swearing, trolling, flaming, adult topics, etc. Not necessarily because I have personal feelings for / against that, but in my many years studying human behavior this is the best way to foster great idea exchange and sharing in the most effective and enjoyable way.

Some people hate being censured and in those cases, these forums may not be a good fit. There are a million forums out there, and may have no rules or "censorship" at all. If that's your style, I wish you well and hope you find what you're looking for... as it isn't what we support here.

Fortunately there are MANY people that are happy to join a community with a handful of simple guidelines on friendly behavior. IMO, some of these types of members got caught up in some drama and also chose to "self-cull". To them, we apologize for any hurt feelings. We are happy to have you as part of our community and look forward to working with you to create a fantastic environment to share ideas, stories, and experiences in a helpful, friendly, and enjoyable way.

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