Who am I? And who are you?


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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freemotion said:
Bubblingbrooks said:
I know I have pictured Free as being similiar to me as far as what she does and how she does it.
Organic small farming, traditional foods activist, etc.
OK, but that is not a physical description....ok, people....

Do me!!!! Do meeee!!!!!:p
Yeah, but its the best I got!!!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Well, I had to twist Free's arm to get her over here from BYC. I admired her spunk and forthright speech over there about all natural animal husbandry....and begged her to come here and join our little band.

I'm glad I bugged her! :D

Free is a granola head. She wears earth tones, likes natural smells and walks like she is going somewhere. She is heather, lavender...and, I think...sisal. She wears comfortable shoes and cotton clothing. She is assertive but soft when she needs to be.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Bee says: Farmfresh I picture as being easy....easy to talk to and live with. A peace maker and a cheerleader and a good friend to have in all weathers. Smart and logical...and probably give great hugs! She has colors like wildflowers and smells like apples.

What a nice thing to think and some of it is probably kind of true. I tend to be a peacemaker, but I usually smell of mint! Either Wrigley's Spearmint gum, or Absorbine Horse Liniment! I might give some of you a hug, but don't count on it. I am more likely to clock you if you get too touchy. :p :lol:

Bee YOU for sure I would hug. Without a worry. I won't notice if you really do look ugly (which I doubt) I will take off my glasses and just squeeze. My gorilla arms could reach around you no matter what Barnum & Bailey says. Any one with your beautiful opinionated soul needs a big hug. :D

Blackbird says: I actually have to admit, I would not be as comfortable/open with any of you if I were to meet you in person, if I was to encounter any of you, I would definitely keep my distance and try to keep any sort of relationship you may want to build at a minimum.

In a lot of ways I am the same way! I do a lot of talking in person, but I am VERY careful who I let in to meet the real me.

FarmerChick says: I rode horses in English saddles, jumped fences, had $100 pairs of high heels, expensive jewelry...

I totally can see you riding Hunters, but $100 heels and expensive jewelery... NO WAY!!!!

Bee also says: Free is a granola head. She wears earth tones, likes natural smells and walks like she is going somewhere. She is heather, lavender...and, I think...sisal. She wears comfortable shoes and cotton clothing. She is assertive but soft when she needs to be.

I can see that as well. For some reason I have free pictured thin tall and wirey with light brown hair. In my mind she spends a lot of time with her nose in a book. :)


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I see her short and medium built...a little on the slender side. Her feet are short and a little wide from wearing wide toe box shoes and going barefooted~and toes out instead of having a pigeon-toed walk.

Farm, you smell like apples to ME. In my head, the feeling I get from smelling a fresh and wild apple is the feeling I get when I picture you. ;)


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Deb.. I picture you with long dark hair, a bit of gray, and a few kind warm wrinkles. Thin, and medium height. Past that, I'm not sure. But I know I like you!
Slender and quiet - You aren't off on that!

Modern Pioneer.. :lol:

I always saw him as a very crazy (but I like crazy) yet wise mountain man type. Wise in an interesting unusual way, but wise, yes. :old

Nice to see you there BBrooks!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I can't do ya Free cause I saw a pic of you....well not a big one but your avatar had you in that big old log. ......that was you, wasn't it??


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
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In the woods with the critters
Bee, you could have just opened a new door with this interesting topic.

I have always thought of free as a rather tall slender woman, long dresses and sweaters. I have often pictured her house as filled with something in the process of stores for later use. I also think she also likes to try new things just to be the first to do it. I picture her her to be thick and kinda straight down and brushed over to the right. I also think she isn't afraid of hard work and willing to get in the middle of anything from birthing animals to cleaning poo from pens.

In relative to free, I think of Gina as the same but with a city slicker twist (meant in great kindness and humor my friend) with a bit of flare and attention to detail. Gina seems to be thoughtful and reserved in order to approach things with a more educated point of view. Like free, she also has a sense to explore uncharted waters with food and new ideas. I picture her as a medium build, 5' 6" and brown hair that is well taken care of. I also think she likes folks with manners, and respects folks for who they are and not what they could be. A true genuine person herself like free, floats to people with kindness.

Jim is a true country boy from start to finish, and self driven man who enjoys the simple things in life. He is also a straight forward kinda guy and likes to get things done. I picture him to be a medium build with gray hair the is longer, but not hippy long. I also picture him with a comb over.

Wifezilla is a nerd as mentioned, and I think she is one feisty woman in real life. I picture her to be short, a bit on the comfy side, with proper hair salon style hair.

Debbie is a kind soul, a short woman with long self taken care of hair. I think she has light brow hair which has been going gray and white for a few years now. I also picture her to be a medium build but a little on the comfy side. Like Gina and free in many ways, she tends to look at her world and writes how things make her feel in her world and the earth.

I think we all have something in common, more than being SS. I find evry one here interesting in different forms.

The couple that visited me last year from here on the board, stereo typed or coined at the time the kind of people I thought posted here. That has since been debunked!!!!

50ish, volvo driving, salvation army mixed matched clothes.

I have no real thoughts on how people look here, and I have learned not to judge or guess how people here live. I learn so much from folks here.

My comments I post here are just thoughts as to the OP and the question asked. I have no reason to offend any one here and wasn't my goal in posting this.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Farmfresh said:
FarmerChick says: I rode horses in English saddles, jumped fences, had $100 pairs of high heels, expensive jewelry...

I totally can see you riding Hunters, but $100 heels and expensive jewelery... NO WAY!!!! :)
well the expensive clothes and jewelry was when I worked corporate jobs---in my 20s, very early 30s

now almost 49 and I am in muck boots, riding western on trails, and wearing hubbys old hunting and farming clothes most of the day HAHA

hmmm...somewhere there is a gal in me left I think


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
modern_pioneer said:
50ish, volvo driving, salvation army mixed matched clothes.

This brings up a good point. I wear the salvation army clothes (usually matching) and I am pushing 50, but Volvo?? No way!! I live smack in the middle of a BIG city and I drive a 2000 F150 4x4 work truck - slightly battered work truck.

So what do the rest of you drive??


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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What interesting imaginations you all have! I have never really thought much about how you all look physically, but I find this thread describing how you all see each other to be mighty interesting. I picture you all as angels! I've thought more about your clothing I guess.

Bee, I don't think opinionated is the adjective I would have used to describe you. To me, your advice is that of a realist. I feel like I will hear about the natural way of doing things from you. Often you tell me something I didn't really want to hear but really needed to know.

Ohio Farm Girl is my official hero. :love I love her sense of humor and love for mankind even though she pretends to be crusty. And she is pretty handy to know and full of good advice and encouragement. I have heard her describe herself so I picture her as she depicted.

Freemotion is the person I would use the adjective "encouraging" for however. I do have a mental picture for Free, it is the face of an old friend of mine for some reason, but a good person, with flowing and beautiful grey hair. I think of you as being my farm advisor.

Denim Deb I picture as someone who looks like me, someone trying to be pleasing to everyone. I have her pictured in jeans, of course! And horse boots. My meniere's buddy.

Blackbird I thought you were younger. Of course you ARE younger than me. :plbb I picture you as very frank and very knowledgable for your age, but since you are not as young as I thought...Ha! Just kidding.

Wifezilla I picture as the one to describe as opinionated. However, I agree with her opinions and admire that she presents them when they are how I feel but would be afraid to say. I think of her as my fellow libertarian friend.

Ksalvagno I picture looking the like person I bought my goats from. Jeans and boots like Denim deb, but I'm picturing an earnest fresh scrubbed face and hair pulled back to keep it out of the way when she is dealing with her animals. I feel like she is my guiding light regarding the goaties.

While I "know" a lot more of you, I haven't been here as long and don't have enough of an impression to describe anyone else, but I'm curious how you guys see me as well.

Wouldn't it be funny to have a thread like this on BYH? (not!) :lol: :gig :duc

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