Mountain Sage

the funny farm6 said:I have a....."colorful" family. About 5-6 years ago my uncle made a chicken plucker. Don't know the exact details as my dad told me about it. But when they put the chicken in it took off the feathers, skin, and large chunks of meat, then launched it about 30 feet into the woods. There was a lot of beer involved I am sure!
This is the same uncle that made his own cannon.
And a friend of said uncle- his wife had very fancy pedagreed boar goats. Very expensive ones. Well my uncle wanted to roast a goat for the 4th of july one year. So we all went to his friends farm. His wife wasn't there, so he said pick one and go before she gets home... well they picked the biggest one in the herd- it had the biggest horns too! Well as they were loading the dead goat on the truck his wife got home. When she saw what they had done she went nuts! Turns out that was her herd sire and she had given an ungodly amount of money for that goat. my uncle roasted it and it was horrable.