Power Conserver
I was watching a tv program, and they had a blurp on it. Basically, the waves of energy from electricity are normally smooth. With dirty electricity, it makes the wave look hairy-making an odd magnetic field- It will pass through all the wiring in the house, and even back into the grid. The segment said that it can cause migraines, blurred vision, trouble sleeping and even higher diabetic reactions. I can't remember all of what they said regarding health issues.
It's odd. I haven't done a ton of searching on it, but it is something I will not forget and will look into later. I suppose I could google "dirty electricity", but I will go off in a tangent and not get all my stuff done for the evening....and I am in the process of researching Whole Food vs. Synthetic Vitamins...AHHHHHHH my brain is on overload!
It's odd. I haven't done a ton of searching on it, but it is something I will not forget and will look into later. I suppose I could google "dirty electricity", but I will go off in a tangent and not get all my stuff done for the evening....and I am in the process of researching Whole Food vs. Synthetic Vitamins...AHHHHHHH my brain is on overload!