Mr. Sunshine

My dear WZ,Wifezilla said:I am more concerned about the punks and losers in their neighborhood who can easily see that I have produce growing in the yard and tasty animals outback than some internet stalker.
Our "open society" is probably a little TOO open and with things about to collapse in Washington, DC it might be wise to hold onto some of the most important issues of personal detail. Just don't be too surprised if the zombies trample that garden in about 15 minutes. They really won't be coming with large quantities of $ to give you.73 Shipmate. KIxxxx
Ha. I always say I never worry about anyone trying to steal my identity. They would bring it right back.Wannabefree said:Well I feel very safe, I'm to poor for anyone to want to rob me.They'd only have to bring a small sack for their loot
The "exif" info can easily be removed from any photo with most photo editing software, I always do it for photos I post online. The camera or phone function is also easily disabled via the menu--usually under "location".Icu4dzs said:I recently learned that with some new form of technology, a photograph taken by a "GPS" equipped camera can actually be identified as to where that picture was taken by "others".