I"ve seen those before. In fact, just recently I saw some for sale (and other various "wrappers" bags) I forget where? I wonder if it was when we went to mall of america? My thoughts when I saw it was, that'd be cute for a girl scout project! They're always having juice boxes w/ snack at scouts, so teach 'em to recycle them i a fun way?
Yeah, but there are plenty of people who don't have the time or skills to make one. Lots of people like to buy crafty things, but would never make them.
I fill mine with cedar chips/straw and throw them in the dog house for beds/pillows. My young dog has torn up every nice bed I provided, so, no more "nice" beds for them....just recycled feed sacks! Mutts!
They used to do that a long long time ago. It was pretty common place 120 years ago, especially with the pioneers. I would love to see what that looks like. I have never seen one.
ha ha just looked at your screen name...you may know all of that already!
ETA I left out that these dresses were popular in the great depression especially.