Crazy Cat Lady
I start my seeds in the basement (it's a bit cool for them but there's no space available upstairs). Well, I put them atop the kitchen cabinets til they germinate, most things, but move them downstairs to the lights once they're up.
I have several 4' fluorescents hanging over an old card table, on whose legs I've taped "mouse guards" after losing several crops to basement mice
Same setup as most people - lights on chains for easy adjustment, and white cardboard propped here and there for light reflection around the edges. They're not too far from a ceiling heat vent so they get a light breeze every time the furnace runs, and do quite well that way. Heat-lovers like tomatoes or peppers are on a heat mat, everything else just has to put up with coolth
(basement is usually about 13 C by the time I start my first seeds in March).
This year I think I will try an extra-early Jan or Feb sowing of spinach, to try to raise in a little covered thingamabob in the chicken coop building.
Our usual last frost date here is in the first week of June so there is no hurry
I have several 4' fluorescents hanging over an old card table, on whose legs I've taped "mouse guards" after losing several crops to basement mice

This year I think I will try an extra-early Jan or Feb sowing of spinach, to try to raise in a little covered thingamabob in the chicken coop building.
Our usual last frost date here is in the first week of June so there is no hurry
