old fashioned
Almost Self-Reliant
worms, grubs & bugs are good for protein and they are free, ya just have to shovel em up 
As for sexlinks, our original 3 hens were S/L's that we got when they were about 1 1/2 years old. One never did lay, she had something wrong with her. She'd walk upright like a penguin and stagger to the left. Some days were better than others, then she died. The other two eventually got that 'hunkered' look about them that I think meant they ended up dying from internal laying. One of those two was my star layer and laid every day with the exception of when she was attacked by the neighbor dog-she took a month off to heal and the last day or two of her life. They were about 2 to 2 1/2 yo when they died.
We now have a Plymouth Rock (I think) she's got the black & white stripes but also a brownish tinge. The other hen is greenish black with copper around the neck. They now are nearing 2 yo & they've always been unpredictable about laying
As for sexlinks, our original 3 hens were S/L's that we got when they were about 1 1/2 years old. One never did lay, she had something wrong with her. She'd walk upright like a penguin and stagger to the left. Some days were better than others, then she died. The other two eventually got that 'hunkered' look about them that I think meant they ended up dying from internal laying. One of those two was my star layer and laid every day with the exception of when she was attacked by the neighbor dog-she took a month off to heal and the last day or two of her life. They were about 2 to 2 1/2 yo when they died.
We now have a Plymouth Rock (I think) she's got the black & white stripes but also a brownish tinge. The other hen is greenish black with copper around the neck. They now are nearing 2 yo & they've always been unpredictable about laying