Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
A tiny one, but I do what I can with it. It will be very jungle-like with edible plants if my plans work out.Pumpkins and squash = good food. Plus, you have a yard
A tiny one, but I do what I can with it. It will be very jungle-like with edible plants if my plans work out.Pumpkins and squash = good food. Plus, you have a yard
i'm totally gonna be the mad max guy who has the crazy viking helmet and the wolf pelt over my shoulders driving a suped up dune buggy with a gat mounted on it. whoooo hooooooo!The Vail Benton's said:Honestly, in a Mad Max kind of world, would I WANT to survive? Probably not - but with my luck I would anywayso I better be as well prepared as I possibly can be to survive as well as I possibly can and that being said, let the chips fall where they may.
Ours produce but we lose so much of it SO fast to birds and bugs that without spraying we don't get all that much fruit..... But I won't spray.xpc said:I have never had fruit trees and will have to look into getting some, they can't be much harder to take care of as a vegetable garden.onmyown44 said:we have 6 blueberrie bushes, 2 apple trees, many rasberrie and blackberrie bushes, rhubarb, leeks. Plan on adding some pear trees, cherry trees and plum this year also some nut trees.
I'll be the one screaming next to you with a bow and flaming arrows while Abi hangs over the side slinging home brewed molotov cocktails! BRING IT ON! WOO HOO!i'm totally gonna be the mad max guy who has the crazy viking helmet and the wolf pelt over my shoulders driving a suped up dune buggy with a gat mounted on it. whoooo hooooooo!
I grew eggplant that way...then again, that was back in TX. You should try it...it makes a beautiful house plant too.MorelCabin said:I am undertaking a project to see just what I can grow indoors in a sunny window. I really want to try potatoes in a big pot! Right now I have planted spinach and a few herbs...maybe try lettuce (close to the coolness of the window glass) and tomatoes. I know I will have to self polinate the tomatoes...hopefully it will all work! Always wanted to try these things, just never had a sunny window to try them in!