Will someone teach me about food spoilage?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
for me my rule is if it doesnt smell right or look right then throw it...
if im unsure (ie it doesnt smell quite right but it doesnt smell bad...ill give it a little taste, generally if its not good itll taste funky too.)
its all very technical and scientific in my house lol.

my mottos is "when in doubt, throw it out" but got the most part, im not realy fussy. ive eaten many a roast thats been counter top thawed, many grape thats fallen on the floor, ect.
the only things im realy toughy about are ground meats, there more prone to bad bacteria already being present because of the processing that if ground meat even HINTS at being not right, it gets tossed to the dogs.
i have no hard/fast or solid rules n how long things last...ive known milk go bad 3 days before its due and ive known milk last a week after its best by date (all pasturized)...so i stopped realy paying attention to "the rules" and started following my own common senses...look at it does it look ine, color, texture ect...sniff it, does it smell right? now this doesnt nesicarily mean smell "normal" to what your used to but ive found off and ready to go off foods do have a different kind of odor...touch it, does it feel normal, a slight slimey feeling or funky texture could mean its done...taste it, if all else seems ok, taste a tiny bit and ponder it for a few seconds...
if it passes those tests ill eat it lol


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Everyone is making some very good points. My contribution will be to advise you that if spoiled food should somehow get past all these warnings and make you sick, then simply take several tablespoons of ACV in a glass of water and you should be fine. ACV is my remedy for gastro-intestinal upset, even food poisoning. But I must admit I am the Refrigerated Food Gestapo Inspector. :lol: