Lovin' The Homestead
Great job on the wine! I have about 15 gallons of assorted one gallon batches all sitting around with airlocks just aging. I have been collecting wine bottles so that I can start bottling and I kinda decided to use some Zorks corks to bottle with as you don't need a corker and I can't afford one right now any way.
So far the favorite of the taste tests is the Apfelwein and the apple raspberry.
Others in jugs bulk aging are White grape peach-wild berry mix-more apple and more apple raspberry and blueberry mead and blueberry pomegranate mead and apple mead.
After surfing the net and becoming a member of a beer/wine brewing forum I found that making mead is great! And they have all kinds of funny names for meads with fruits and apples and such. lol
OH did I forget to mention that this wine making can become very addictive??
So far the favorite of the taste tests is the Apfelwein and the apple raspberry.
Others in jugs bulk aging are White grape peach-wild berry mix-more apple and more apple raspberry and blueberry mead and blueberry pomegranate mead and apple mead.
After surfing the net and becoming a member of a beer/wine brewing forum I found that making mead is great! And they have all kinds of funny names for meads with fruits and apples and such. lol
OH did I forget to mention that this wine making can become very addictive??