Mountain Sage
I like winter......
I love living in a four seasons state and I love each and every season equally for many different reasons! can now slap the snot out of me!
Aly, a 20 oz. or smaller pop bottle should fit the water nipples on your watering bottles. If not, it would be a wise investment to buy the ones that do. This way, you can just change out bottles twice a day. Also, those insulating foam sleevies that you can buy for hot drinks that they sell at gas stations? They fit right over those pop bottles and provide a little insulation from freezing.
The extra pop bottles also come in handy in the summer when you can freeze them and put them in the cages for your bunnies to lie against.
I really love the 5 gal. heated buckets for my dogs and livestock...I find they are invaluable and last a long, long time. I am rigging up my electric cords tomorrow so that the dogs and sheep's buckets can all be plugged in, as we have a cold front coming in.....maybe even get some snow!!!
I use the large rubber pan for the chickens, as they get their water so dirty it must be changed all the time anyway. No use investing in a heating system for their water. Also, they usually drink from the dog's and sheep's buckets anyway.....
I know this sounds so Pollyanna-ish....but the winter's hardships like cold hands, sloppy pens and yards, hauling water, getting in firewood, etc. really make me appreciate a warm house, opening a jar from the cellar and making soup, reading seed catalogs by the fire and it really makes me appreciate spring! can now slap the snot out of me!

Aly, a 20 oz. or smaller pop bottle should fit the water nipples on your watering bottles. If not, it would be a wise investment to buy the ones that do. This way, you can just change out bottles twice a day. Also, those insulating foam sleevies that you can buy for hot drinks that they sell at gas stations? They fit right over those pop bottles and provide a little insulation from freezing.
The extra pop bottles also come in handy in the summer when you can freeze them and put them in the cages for your bunnies to lie against.
I really love the 5 gal. heated buckets for my dogs and livestock...I find they are invaluable and last a long, long time. I am rigging up my electric cords tomorrow so that the dogs and sheep's buckets can all be plugged in, as we have a cold front coming in.....maybe even get some snow!!!

I use the large rubber pan for the chickens, as they get their water so dirty it must be changed all the time anyway. No use investing in a heating system for their water. Also, they usually drink from the dog's and sheep's buckets anyway.....
I know this sounds so Pollyanna-ish....but the winter's hardships like cold hands, sloppy pens and yards, hauling water, getting in firewood, etc. really make me appreciate a warm house, opening a jar from the cellar and making soup, reading seed catalogs by the fire and it really makes me appreciate spring!