Moderator Extraordinaire
I am a winter lover, too. Without winter, we wouldn't have Spring, my favorite season!
My ex definitely had SAD. He's much better off down in Florida (and far, far away from me!). I dreaded the coming of the holiday season, he was miserable throughout them, and that didn't change until mid-February or so. Of course he had many other issues, but I know the lack of sunshine exacerbated his dour mood.
My New and Improved Hubby 2.0
is also a winter lover, so we're a good pair.
Enjoy the Ride has it right, vitamin D will help a great deal. We take 1,000 mg a day, all year round, we just started to take it this past summer, and I have to tell you, even during the high sun summer I noticed a difference in my mood. Some doctors are recommending up to 2,400 mg a day for two weeks to get blood levels up and then level off at 1,000. Of course I am not a doctor, so do your research and make your own determination!
My ex definitely had SAD. He's much better off down in Florida (and far, far away from me!). I dreaded the coming of the holiday season, he was miserable throughout them, and that didn't change until mid-February or so. Of course he had many other issues, but I know the lack of sunshine exacerbated his dour mood.
My New and Improved Hubby 2.0
Enjoy the Ride has it right, vitamin D will help a great deal. We take 1,000 mg a day, all year round, we just started to take it this past summer, and I have to tell you, even during the high sun summer I noticed a difference in my mood. Some doctors are recommending up to 2,400 mg a day for two weeks to get blood levels up and then level off at 1,000. Of course I am not a doctor, so do your research and make your own determination!