Greenhouse. Pretty hard to keep a hoop house standing with some of the winds we have here.
And we might as well start answering some of the other questions, don't you think?
Truly, I would LOVE to try cattails..but I see the awful, brackish water the localish ones are growing in, and I'm just not to sure about eating them. So, I'll have to go with dandelions. I was going to make dandelion jelly (supposed to taste like honey), but after picking a boatload of blossoms, I was too pooped to deal with them. The next day, they didn't look so great even though I put them in a zipper bag in the frig. Okay, I wimped out. Next year, though...... We already eat spring greens in the salads, I occasionally graze on the blossoms outside, roasted (slightly burned, dang it) root in the cupboard. I digress.
Changing the oil in my car is not my department, so I'll take basketweaving for 50.