When there are things out there I can't control, like in politics or on the news, I focus on some aspect of self sufficiency. Something I can control that THEY (whoever THEY are at the moment) can't take away from me.
I sat in the gallery and watched my state legislature take away my union (I'm president of my union local). I had lobbied and talked and walked and had done everything I could, but was just ignored. They smiled and listened and thanked me participating in my government, then just went in there and took it away.
All the local media wanted a reaction. I kept a stiff upper lip and said what I had to say for the good of the people I represent.
Then I went home, left the TV off, and worked with my goats, chickens and garden. Started a new irrigation system with my pond. Worked all of that hurt and frustration out of me.
I don't often agree with Buster ( ), but short of turning off the news & ignoring everything going on, it definitely helps (IMHO) to work on your self-sufficiency. It helps me feel I have a small degree of control, at least over my small piece of the world, if TSHTF.
My friend posted something on FB and it really sums up the way I feel. It was something like, "I'd rather believe that everything/everyone is good and be naive and happy than think everyone/everything is bad be bitter and angry all the time."
I've closed out the outside world. Haven't paid attention to anything political in months. I can take a guess and hit the nail on the head just by having studied history (you can ask Auntie. I'm surprisingly up to date for ignoring it all lol).
I'm just frustrated at job stuff (Craig's list had TWO cna jobs in three days) and wanting to just curl up and sew. I'd curl up and cook but that takes money. I have enough fabric and notions to sew for years without investing more money
Oh yes. Abi can guess with amazing accuracy what is going on if I mention something in the news just because she has studied history and knows actions have consequences.