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Lil Chickie Mama
Power Conserver
I will read those links, be sure! Again, thanks for input from your 5 year old
I had a child development teacher that her point of view was that teaching academics (especially the hard stuff) was harmful too young. I agree! A child's job is to learn, but that doesn't mean sitting down at a desk writing lines or doing times tables. It means learning how to interact with their environment. Part of that in this house will be sitting on mom (me, can't wait!!!) or dad's lap and reading or watching us read the bible every day. That's how I learned to read. Sitting on my dad's lap reading, "One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish" until I decided to grab the book from him and read it to him and God love him, he never let on that he got tired of reading the same book every day. I have started my collection of easy to read books, a good children's Bible, and many books that follow Seuss type story rhymes. This is the way that we will implement reading, but that would be as far as we go until mandated age. If I had my way though, I wouldn't start my kids on "formal" education instead of as they want to learn until 6-7 (as recommended by the child development teacher) at the earliest but don't get me started on government sticking their nose in things and creating sweeping mandates for all situations despite how people are individuals. But enough of that.