Your Charities and Good Deeds

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
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S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
My husband and I are on the Board of Missions at our church.
We do alot of work through that, from raising money to send some young girls to school in Africa to donating school supplies to children in need here in the United States.

We support local nursing homes through donations of new bedding, sweaters,jackets,socks slippers,etc.
We do that as an annual drive, it was my idea and now I am bogged down in it every year but I started it so I will continue until someone else wants to take the reigns.
Its amazing what people will give.
There is one home in particular that people just seem to be dropped off and forgotten about.
Its a very sad place and the people don't have anyone to visit or bring items like, new socks or whatever.
The nursing home is a private small place and they run on almost no money, the residents are sent there after all else fails and the owner doesn't want to send anyone away.Only one family stays in contact.
They have the barest of necessities.
On top of the items we collected, the Board of Missions gave me $2000.00 to go shopping for the stuff they needed.
I drove home one night with so many pillows in my car I thought I was going to get pulled over. I could barely see.
We had gone to so many stores trying to get the amount of items we needed on the list that while I was waiting for the sales clerk to come back after checking the stockroom that I figured I would just sit on one of those display beds, next thing I know my husband is standing there laughing, I had layed down and zonked out.:p
It had been a marathon shopping expedition, in all fairness and I haven't napped in a store display bed since.:D
We were able to purchase new pillows, comforters,blankets,sweatshirts,socks,games and stuff like that.

We also get a group together every spring and fall and do the yard work for elderly or disabled.
We plan the annual drive for the womens' shelters every year and collect,sort and deliver the donated items.
My daughters head overseas every year to build houses in an impoverished barrio.

They also helped to build a community center there and next year work begins on a rundown orphanage.
My daughters have also been to Lousiana and Kentucky with a volunteer organization.
They spend their spring breaks doing volunteer work through college.

Its called the spring break alternative where you go somewhere to volunteer instead of doing something else.
My son is weighing his options and trying to decide where he could best serve.

We volunteer at the food pantry and a local charity that collects baby furniture,clothes,backpacks etc. and we clean and sort it and fill the orders that come in from agencies that represent the families.
My husband does the pickups at the local cleaners once a week that cleans all the coats for free and he drives the truck to pick up all the items that are collected at drive centers.
Our youth group has an auction to support a homeless shelter every year and we participate in that, donating items and whatever else they need done.
That auction does very well.
I can't really remember everything off hand. Some stuff is the stuff that everybody does, the walks for hunger and things of that nature.
We donate money when we can but its usually more hands on.
The money at those big charities just seems to go "somewhere" that I am never really sure about.
Although when I got married instead of doing favors I donated money in each guests name to a cancer center in Boston.I left a place card at each setting letting them know.
I mean how many matches, candles, candy or whatever do people need and I didn't want to waste my money on something most people don't even save.
Having said that, I never ever pass by a needy person on the street without giving them money.
I don't care what they do with it, they need it for "whatever" and if I have it to spare , its theirs.
I don't dwell on it, hopefully they are going to get food with it, if not, its not really my business after I drop it in their hand.
I feel that nobody who has all their mental capacities is going to choose to live that way, so either they have a drug, or alcohole problem, are mentally incapcitated or are really having some sh**luck.
I don't judge.
Other than that,unless its the food pantry, I don't usually give money, I give my time.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 13, 2008
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Natalie (The Simple Life) from here on out, when I see your name, I'll envision you sleeping on a bed display! :D That's funny, I've certainly wanted to!

I love reading everyone's posts! It opens me up to new ideas of ways I/we can help in our own community.

I'd like any suggestions from anyone as to what our cub scouts can do for our local seniors. DH is cub master (I think that's what you call it?) this year, and every year in the past the boys make ornaments and door hangers for each resident at a local senior home. They take them there and spend some time singing christmas carols w/them. I'd like to do more this year though. I like the socks idea! I wish I knew of a local knitting group that could make a bunch of knitted slipper/socks and donate them! That'd be a fun gift to give.

So any suggestions for the cub scouts/webelos? This senior center visit has really been their only community project they've ever done. I'd like to get them all more involved in helping our community this year.


the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
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S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
You would probably have to ask the senior center or nursing home you donate your time to, but alot of the older folks use to be gardners too and miss that time putting around in their yards.
If its allowed you could make up planters for them, either pots or window box style, whatever there would be room for and they could care for them.
I have to say that alot of folks really only want to spend time with others.
My daughter was part of a school group who went and visited the seniors, played games with them and became their penpals.
It was called adopt a grandparent program.
Its a worthwhile cause and they learned alot from talking with people who have lived through so much and the kids really cared about what their "grandparents" had to say.
The grandparents were also very happy to be kept up to date on what was going on in the kids' lives.
You don't have to belong to a program to do this with your group.
Some of these people probably have or had some of the same hobbies that these kids have too, building model airplanes, painting, and things like that. Some kids may find common ground and do something with these folks.
When is the last time one of these people played with playdough or legos? Maybe play bingo, checkers...
I know my grandparents always indulged us and these people may too, I can tell you from working in a nursing home years ago that not all of these people are feeble and infirm and there is alot that they can still do.
Sometimes they just want someone to write a letter to their families for them, while they dictate, which is nice for them and the families.
For people like that, and the ones who can write their own letters, a donation of some nice stationary,pens and stamps is thougtful.
You can actually contact someone at the homes usually and they, if they are good about it,will get you a wish list from the seniors.
I hope you have luck finding something for the kids to do, its good that you are having the kids do this.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 15, 2008
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Apex, NC
I work FT but I volunteer at DDs school whenever I can and send in supplies, etc.
I would much rather tangibly give to someone I know than drop some change in a can infront of the food store. I never get involved with phone soliciatations, "police" or not. I have seen tv shows about who is rally calling on behalf of magazines, telemarketers, police organizations.
I belong to a mom's group and donate/volunteer with them also. I will freecycle instead of sell if its mine and not unreasonable to do so.

Once our girls start laying I will of course share our eggs with the neighbors and friends.

We pass down DDs outgrown clothes to a neighbor a few years younger.


Enjoys Recycling
Jul 12, 2008
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We sponsor two kids in India and Senegal through Christian Childrens Fund. We also donate to Special Olympics and a few other charities.

Recently, the egg take got to the point that we now donate them to the community center in the next town.

I also bake up a storm for the Alzheimer Association's bake sales held at my MIL's nursing home.

I should do more but I can't think of anything. It's a rural area and we don't belong to a church and we don't have children so I think a lot of those connections are lost.

We used to foster dogs for a rescue but we maxed out on the ones we kept. Ooops!

Edited to say: Found out today that a clothing store near us (Steve and Barry's) was going out of business so I grabbed a bunch of really nice coats (wool and goose down), jeans, dress shirts, kids sweatshirts, etc at next to nothing. I'll take them down to the community center on Tuesday. I'm kind of feasting on others' misfortune there but I got a lot of quality stuff.


Enjoys Recycling
Sep 9, 2008
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Export Pa
They are between,the receiver, myself and God.

"and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags "Isaiah 64:6


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
You are right, of course, J&J. It does mention in the Bible, if you tell of your good deeds, you already have your reward for paraphrase a little. Thanks for the reminder!


Jul 12, 2008
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Nebraska Sandhills
My husband does the good deeds, I take care of the children 24/7 (or so it seems) and work when they're in school.

My husband is a volunteer fire-fighter/rescue



Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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I basically just work with the youth group at church. We do 2 rummage sales each yr along with Easter breakfast too for fund raiser's. Not to mention lock ins, bible study, camping trips, ice skating(I just watched), and a few other activities over the last 9 yrs.


Sustainable Newbie
Oct 12, 2008
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I founded an organization called "Farm Swap America", it's in all 50 states and basically it's a cashless bartering system. Our motto is "Helping Americans, Help Themselves."

Web address is in my signature.


P.S. I just joined this group today, great idea!

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