Frugal Homesteader
Tx, have you tried doing the ad match? Walmart will match prices for all the items on sale at other stores. That may knock some off your bill. Plus with coupons you just use the ones for items you would buy even if there were not a coupon for it. Do you buy a lot of convience items? Or prepackaged foods? Those really raise a grocery bill. Just a few pointers to try & help you out. Start slow though as it can be a shock to your system to go completely frugal all at once.TX Honky said:, I buy a lot of generics and it still runs us....are you ready..........400.00 every 2 weeks. I know I know me dh 5yo boy and 1yo girl 2 dogs 2cats and 18 chickens so where am I going wrong? We dont have a Farmers Market here. I won't have a garden until next year and i make my own salsa and jam. We don't belive in eating out much, maybe once in a blue moon. Milk at the store is sooooo exspensive......I wish I had a cow, except I've never had milk straight from a cow so Im afraid it would be to different...dh says it's yummy. So which one of you frugal experts are ready to come to TX and go to the store with me?