Your Grocery Bill


Enjoys Recycling
Sep 18, 2008
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I shop at walmart for everything, I buy a lot of generics and it still runs us....are you ready..........400.00 every 2 weeks. I know I know me dh 5yo boy and 1yo girl 2 dogs 2cats and 18 chickens so where am I going wrong?
Do you have another store that you can go to? I have found that Wal-Mart is actually a lot higher on many of the things that I buy. I try to use coupns as often as I can. I go to Krogers for name brand stuff taht I have coupns for because they double most of them. I also go online and get free samples of things and I get coupons with those samples. Dollar General is just about everywhere. I can get my sugar cheaper there than any place else. A lot of the generic or store brands are just as good if not better than name brands. I also go to the local bakery outlets, Nickles, Hostess, Schwebbles and buy day old breads or snacks. they will also take coupons. They sometimes have specials on great big bags of day old bread that I will split between us and the chickens. I will make french toast, bread crumbs, and stuffing mix out of that bread. Hope this helps.

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
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S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
I don't know if your schools have any kind of culinary arts program and run a bakery,ours does and I buy alot of stuff there.
Everything is very inexpensive, I go on fridays when its 50 cent day.
You can freeze so much of it.
Everything in the bakery is 50 cents and I will tell you that this stuff is better than alot of the baked goods other bakeries sell.
So fridays are our day for the farmer's market and the school bakery.

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
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Really Northern California
The only thing that I seem to ba able to do in addition to what I'm already doing is to buy in bulk, freeze packages in meal sizes right away upon getting home. I used to buy in large quanities and on occasion, waste some of the product by not acting right away to preserve it. Don't do that anymore at all.
I have always saved meat scraps in the freezer for soup but didn't think of doing this for vegetables until some one (more than one person lol) mentioned save that too. Don't know why that never occured to me.
Do you all think that mixing powdered milk and whole milk can save any money? It used to but I noiced that powdered milk has become much more expensive since I used to use it.
Have you ever looked into a milking goat? If I was using a lot of milk, it would be one thing I could do. Freshen the goat with a boar buck then use the kids for meat too.
Now I just raise kids for my own meat.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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I try to keep our bill down to $90-$100 every 2 weeks for a family of 4, 2 adults & 2 children 9 & 2. Since I don't buy bread & buns that helps a lot, plus the garden & chickens helps. But if you add in the cost of feed then it jumps up some(can't wait to have my 12 hens total to sell enough to cover the cost of feed). I rarely buy anything premade & never buy anything not on sale except dh's coffee. I bake & make all our own goodies too.
Luckily my new house has a good sized pantry & I can buy things ahead now & all I buy for present consumption is milk, fresh fruits & vegies(what we don't grow). That also includes pullups & cat food. And coupons, coupons, coupons!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Hi TX Honkey
Buy less. Honestly when you go shopping bring a list. Check your pantry beforehand. If you have spaghetti sauce in the cubbard, but no spaghetti noodles, add that to the list and plan spaghetti one night. Things like that. Look at what you have first, then match up what you need to purchase to make meals.

Sometimes we just buy....I know I do it too...LOL....but one way to cut that bill is to honestly cut down on "junk" purchases. I did it and it made a difference. Like instead of 3 types of cookies in a shopping trip, I buy 1 package on sale and that is it....til next visit to the store. So moderation did help me.

Also I love coupons. They work for me. They take time to sit down and check store flyers and pair up with sales. I usually only buy things on sale and I am a big buy 1 get 1 free person.

Just take a hard look at what you buy. I know with the 1 year old girl you are buying diapers still and such and that adds to the bill big time. See if you can find the "bulk" and biggest load and that cuts down the price. My 3 year old is only in nighttime panties now and the savings is huge once those diapers are gone..LOL-LOL

Hang in there....we all find ways to cut the bill....just play with it and you will find ways to save money.

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
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S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
Its amazing how much more money you have when they are out of diapers.
I had 3 in diapers at once for a while, it was pretty expensive for a month supply.
I nursed them, but when we had to supplement any formula, it really added up.
I use to spend about $250.00 a week for the formula, diapers and food for our size family.
Now that I am done with all of that and the three oldest are away at school its amazing how much less I spend.
What I spend now is the cheapest I have gotten away with in 7 years.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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WOW---3 in diapers at the same time. That is a financial strain at the checkout counter! HA HA----I hear ya on that price but good thing is it eventually does disappear...thank goodness..LOL-LOL

And forumla...whew...that cost is wild also!


Frugal Vegetarian Farmer
Sep 16, 2008
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Southwest New Mexico Mountains
My girls are beautiful young adults now, but when they were little I couldn't afford disposable diapers or formula. I got to be wet nurse and laundress (and even back then people thought it was unseemely for infants to wear cloth diapers). I used all the triple coupons and shopped at the dented can store, even managing a small garden in a communal garden plot that served our appartment. I do feel that times are even harder now than 25 years ago, but one of the reasons I own my land today is that I never lost my thrifty ways. Every dollar you save is better than earning that dollar because you don't have to loose a chunk to income tax.


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
TX Honky, have you tried NOT using coupons? ;) That is, try not buying anything that you have ever seen coupons for :) Since you are already reasonably frugal and cooking-oriented and therefore not going to fill up the cart with Evian water and lobster and frozen raspberries :) what you will find is that this encourages you to "make do" with basic staples (like flour, cornmeal, produce, meat, beans, spices) instead of prepared foods (like canned soup or stock, prepared sauces or mixes, or anything where part of the cooking or prep work has already been done for you).

Also, stick with in-season produce as much as you can, if you're not already, and see if there are any farm stands where they'd give you a price break on large quantities or 'seconds'.

I would guess that a significant part of your food budget is the dog and cat food, btw (anyhow that's how it is here). I'm not going to encourage you to cheap out on that -- I think the cheapest brands are not good to feed our pets -- I'm just pointing this out in case it makes you feel any better about comparing your spending on HUMAN foods with other peoples' :)

Good luck and welcome to the forum,


the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
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S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
I am pretty frugal, but if I had to pick any luxury it sure would be using disposable diapers, when you have three in using them at the same time. I have used cloth diapers as well so I do know what I am talking about, but when it came to the third one in diapers I sure have no problem "splurging" on disposables and freeing up that extra time I would spend on laundry doing something else for my family.

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