Your learning style?


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Western Canada
Yesterday an interesting subject came up, on a thread about a particular specific topic. A new member here, Rarity, mentioned that s/he benefits from instructional books and enjoys learning SS-type skills from books. Fair enough, I've used a lot of practical books myself, and I have a lot of them on my shelves.

I've been thinking (for a while now) about my favorite ways of learning practical things, hand skills, stuff like that. My parents both came from rural families, but opted for the city (and later, large-town) life. Particularly my dad wanted to forget about getting dirty and physically worn-out by the end of the day - so much so that he passed on only a small number of hand skills to me. As a young guy I chose to go live on a farm, and at that point got some gardening mentorship from the farm family. Over the years, I learned a bunch of good stuff (carpentry, electrical, water systems, plumbing) from friends my own age, too. I like personal demonstration and instruction best because I can ask questions along the way, or my mentor can point out errors or inefficiencies in my attempts.

Given the "age of communication" we live in, my personal attitude - after learning directly from a person (parent, teacher, friend, etc) - is that the next best would often be something like a DVD or Youtube video (or series of them). To me audio-visual media, like films and videos, are better than books or articles because they show things in motion and usually give you three-dimensional views. And I like the conversational tone of the commentary on modern instructional vids.

I've been a book lover nearly all my life, but I have to admit that I'd tend to give book or magazine articles "third best" position when I want to learn practical stuff. But printed info, like people or videos, can definitely help you not to waste your time "reinventing the wheel"!

I'm real curious how other people here on SS like to learn. How about it?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
My first preference for learning is definitely one-on-one, or mentorship of some sort. I agree that I like to be able to ask questions and get immediate feedback, and I like to have someone 'check my work'.

Second, for me, is reading, along with trial and error experimentation. Dvds and videos irritate me. I need something handy, right where I'm working, to constantly refer back to, that doesn't depend on a battery I constantly forget to charge. I can skim the instructions in a book, find the section that is tripping me up, and go over it again right quick. With videos, I have to pause, back up, FF through. It bugs me. They have their place but, for me personally, they rank a distant third. :hu


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
I much prefer getting instruction from a written source. For the same reasons as SS gave - I can find what I need more quickly on paper, than finding the proper spot in a video. Learning from a person is good, and probably best, but I prefer to "go it on my own" quite often, mostly because I am shy of making mistakes in front of others. I will admit that videos or teachers have the advantage when it is a brand new skill (for me), and there is something complicated involved; but, lacking either, I can usually figure it out from written instructions, and am happy to do so. Often I will learn what I can from written sources, and go to teachers/videos after I already have worked out the basics.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
im a "visual" learner...
words turn into japaneese right infront of my eyes on a page, it just doesnt register...
however give it to me in pictures (a-la ikea instructions) can do it.
Watch a vidoe on it...i can do it
see someone else do it a few times, i can do it...

but TELL me or make me Read how and forget it my brain cant conprehend Words lol.

but i also cant realy read for pleasure anymore takes me a long time to read through thigns since my head injury, i lose my place, and things visually jumble and it just doesnt stick...even reading forum posts takes me longer than it should.
its very annoying because i used to be a reader, i loved to read and be read to..
highschool then took alot of fun out of it by makeing us anaylse every single word...and then i had an accident that agrivated the epilepsy and left me with a literal inability to comprehend the written word well.
i also have a hard time typig/writing thigns too.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I'm a sponge learner....all sources of learning are readily absorbed for later use. Unfortunately, when I need the info it is still much like a sponge...I squeeze and everything comes out~not just the stuff I needed. Trivial details, stray facts that don't relate to the subject, etc. :p It is hard for me to focus on just one subject or stream of thought, but must deal with the plethora of thoughts I've absorbed on the subject or even on vaguely related subjects.

So..when I observe an action/task that I am trying to learn, my mind is also getting bombarded with everything I've read about it, saw in pics or video, saw in the past and even things I plan to do in the future with the knowledge I am currently viewing/learning. In order to focus on the thing I am hearing, it helps me to do a totally unrelated, mindless task with my hands to allow me to focus on the audio stream of info.

Example: In all my anatomy college classes, I quilted in the back row during each and every class. Made the highest grade though I appeared to be inattentive to the lessons taught....made a few classmates frustrated, I guess, because they didn't understand that folks learn in different ways. It's just how I do rhyme or reason, can't just sit and read dry facts and absorb the info but can read snippets here and there, see a pic or video, observe it firsthand, listen to it while doing other things, etc. and it all comes together.

My learning style? I'm a matter the source of info, I'm in a constant state of absorption and filtering through the nutrients.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
SSDreamin said:
My first preference for learning is definitely one-on-one, or mentorship of some sort. I agree that I like to be able to ask questions and get immediate feedback, and I like to have someone 'check my work'.

Second, for me, is reading, along with trial and error experimentation. Dvds and videos irritate me. I need something handy, right where I'm working, to constantly refer back to, that doesn't depend on a battery I constantly forget to charge. I can skim the instructions in a book, find the section that is tripping me up, and go over it again right quick. With videos, I have to pause, back up, FF through. It bugs me. They have their place but, for me personally, they rank a distant third. :hu
Pretty much sums up how I feel as well. I hate vids. I'd rather take two hours to track down someone I know that knows how to do what I'm doing and beg them mercilessly to come over and show me, than to watch the first video. I just can not stand videos for the most part. They go to fast for newbies most times anyway. And the backing up and rewatching...UGH! No ty! Give me a book, or a mentor any day.


Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
I've gotta have written instructions to follow. Or I can picture a finished project in my head and figure out how to make it so. Usually one of those two methods will get me there.


Power Conserver
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
I need both :(:) visual and written instructions as well I read ,watch some one perform the task then re-read then the puzzle comes together for me and I can manage the project.
