BarredBuff's Homesteading Shenanigans


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Wow, it has been much longer than I thought. I guess it is time for my yearly check in. The last year has been a blur.

I graduate from college in three weeks, and am currently on the hunt for a big boy job. Still single and not married. But, oh well.

I have entered into the ministry. I announced my call to preach in October, and the Lord has used me since and I can't wait to see where that goes. That is one thing that I definitely know that I am headed in the right direction with. Our church has allowed me to grow and learn with them and I am so grateful for them. Our new pastor has been a great mentor and continues to help me grow. Life is good.

I am ready to head back to the countryside though. I just spent my spring break week at home, and I forgot how much I missed living full time in the country. Life is a lot different there than in the city. My next task is to start adding to my savings so I can buy a piece of property and build my own cabin. That is my next major goal and hopefully get married at some point.

Life is a journey and I love each step.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Once again, I feel like I just posted to this journal, but I guess not!

Today, I signed a contract to teach agriculture and advise a FFA chapter in a community within driving distance of my home. So, great news and God worked it all out. That's a great and funny story, but God had His hands in the delivery. It seems to be a great place to work. I have a new greenhouse, and mechanics shop to utilize in education. I will be teaching Plant Science and Agricultural Mechanics. I am extremely excited for this next step.

This also means that I am returning home for a few years while I save money and work to buy my own homestead. I didn't think this is how life would work out, but I am so very thankful. This year I am in the process of restoring a lot of the work I had previously done.

Luckily, I think I have the garden under control. It needs rain, but seems to be on track to provide a good little supply of food. I have harvested a few strawberries and some green onions. I have plenty of tomatoes, to can and make into sauces, planted. I have green beans and corn coming up. I set out sweet potatoes this morning, and have planted okra and cucumbers.

I'm waiting on my seeds for my winter squash, lima beans, watermelon, and summer squash. Then, I will do another planting of corn and pole beans. The only thing I am missing is potatoes, but I'll get those back next year. Planning on growing kale, cabbage, peas, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, greens, carrots, and turnips this fall to round out my food storage.

My next project is to get my hen house back in order. I have lots of culling to do. I plan on canning a lot of my old hens. My next goal is to order a new set of laying hens and some broilers to replenish my pantry this fall. I have repairs and adjustments to make, but it will happen. Tonight, I have a Buff Orpington set on a clutch of eggs and somewhere in the brush, and fence rows I have a turkey hen setting a nest.

I hope to can a lot and re stock my pantry this fall. Lots of work to do and more projects to come. I forgot how much I love this lifestyle. God is so good to me...


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
Congrats on the job. I hope you can teach the kids a more sustainable version of agriculture instead of the industrial model that is normally taught in schools. Those kids are blessed to have you as their teacher.


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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I'm really happy for you! The job sounds heaven sent and I can hear your excitement about the projects at home that you are planning and preparing for, the garden and the hens. I'm glad things worked out so well for you and that you are able to once again do what you love.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Everything is going alright here on the homestead. My garden is doing okay. My cucumbers, onions, and summer squash are thriving. I can watch them grow. My tomatoes are doing okay in places, and other spots are dying. I am not sure what is happening to them. Sweet potatoes look good. Some of them are rough looking for whatever reason.

I counted four winter squashes sprouting. Should have plenty more, and watermelon, greasy beans, lima beans, and corn coming up soon. It is slow for some reason. They look good, but slow.

I am trying to get my neighbor to bring about two manure spreaders full this fall and put on my garden. I need more organic matter in there. The last four years of nothing is showing. I am trying not to get too bummed about it though. It'll take time to rebuild.

I am harvesting blueberries and a few blackberries. I am also planning for the fall garden. July 15th is when I will start sowing crops for that. I have some raised beds to build first. Planning on fixing up a permanent space for beds. I am going to mulch around them, and utilize filter fabric as a weed barrier. We live a few minutes away from a saw mill. So, it won't be an issue getting lumber or good mulch.

Any good ideas for design? I want long beds.

Our weather has been hot and steamy. Supposed to be 94 this weekend plus humidity. I washed clothes yesterday, and had them out on the clothesline. I LOVE clothes dried on the line. They smell so good! Hopefully, next month I can build another one. We need it.

Today, I canned up the remaining sweet potatoes from 2017. I had two potatoes that each made a quart a piece. I ended up with seven quarts in all, and some to feed the chickens and compost. They were still very firm, and probably would have kept longer. However, I like to keep everything cleaned up and used before we start canning this year's harvest (if I have anything).


Tonight, we are making a trip down the country to Costco. Since I came home, everyone is back on board with saving money and canning. (Probably, because I am a good workhorse). Oh well! Going after some meat, butter, cheese, and pickling supplies. Going to stock the freezer, and get some items to can up for the pantry before vegetables are rolling in.

Tomorrow, I am going to mulch the sweet potatoes and late cucumbers. If I have enough energy, I'll start on the tomatoes.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 31, 2017
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BB, I just caught up on your posts since April. Called to preach! That's fantastic! I can't think of a better calling! I'd love to hear more, and to find out how you got your job. It sounds like there's a good story there. PM me if you have time to tell it. I'm all ears. :)
Your garden sounds good.
I made raised beds this year too. Mine are 2x6's. I have then two high on each side. My beds are 9 feet long by 1 1/2 feet wide by 2 feet tall. There are pictures under the thread More and More Free Wood from this spring but heres a more recent picture.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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I'll do that some time @milkmansdaughter

Got a great haul at Costco last night. Good prices on meat there.

In other news, I pulled about 10 dead tomato plants up and 5 dead marigolds up this morning. It looks like my peppers and more tomatoes are next. I'm starting to think there is some severe compaction going. I didn't pay much attention to it. Which explains why I have had to replant so much corn and beans. And also why I am still waiting for other stuff to come up. My neighbor is going to bring me manure this fall. He has some right now, but I think it is too far gone to fix anything.

Oh well, there's always next year.