BarredBuff's Homesteading Shenanigans


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Oh man - that really stinks! I have clay soil too and it sure can be a challenge. The bad thing about clay that you already know is that it is prone to compaction and tends to have drainage issues. The good thing about clay soil is that when you get it amended with good organic matter it can be awesome!

Two things I've never had trouble with in clay soil is blackeye peas and okra. They both thrive in less than ideal conditions.

Maybe you can stick a couple tomato plants in some big containers and at least have a couple plants that way?


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Pulled up three more tomatoes and a pepper plant. I'm still not set on the cause. I'm wondering if it could be fertilizer burn. (For the record, I normally don't use synthetic fertilizer but was worried about fertility in the ground since no amendments in 4 years). I am collecting my plants and going to take them to the extension office in the morning, and get our agent to check them. He also has a produce business on the side. So, he should be able to point me in the right direction.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Pulled four more plants this evening. I am almost convinced it is fertilizer burn. After the purple tint, they shrivel up and match the photos for fertilizer burn on the internet. Oh well. Typically, I utilize compost and soil amendments. That is where my best harvests came in the past. However, due to my unplanned return and eagerness to yield a harvest--- I used synthetic fertilizers to try and boost them. I think I boosted too much.

I think it is the most rational thing to have happened. It explains why it happened all over, and to a variety of plants in different families. I'm working on figuring out how to safely re plant them now. I can buy trays of plants for six bucks tomorrow.

This morning, we had a jewel of a church service. We rejoiced, prayed, shouted, sang and worshipped. Those are the best meetings. Then spent some time with dad for Father's Day.

I just finished mulching my second cucumber crop, and chopped a few weeds out of my okra. Then I got too hot. It is miserable outside. I need to go water and feed the chickens. I did get 12 eggs today. Which is a high, since I have been home and got their diet back on track.

Tomorrow, I plan on pulling a few weeds and taking my plants to the extension office for confirmation. Then, hopefully, I can go pick up some zinnias, marigolds, and tomatoes. AND reap a late tomato crop. I just want plenty to can up this fall. My pantry is soooo low on canned tomatoes and tomato sauce.

Hopefully, I can work out my mess this week.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Today has been pretty busy. This morning, I washed up my pressure canner and put my sweet potatoes in the pantry. I am the worst about forgetting to clean the canner up. It's hot when I get done, and we can on the porch---so, its not in plain sight and I usually have to run and do something else. So, it usually gets forgotten.

I also picked a few pints of blueberries. They have done much better than I thought. I am still working on getting them cleaned out and mulch put down. That is probably a job for next week.


I have more in the fridge too. Tomorrow, I am going to can up some blueberry jam. I am completely out in the pantry.

I also got some really rough but free tomato plants today. I set them out tonight (after consulting my extension friends) and got most of the dead ones replaced. I have went through and marked the plants that might die too. I'm trying to keep up with it and make sure no more die. Except for those remaining, most of them look pretty good. I got some zinnias and marigolds to set out too. That is on my list for the morning, and then to stake my remaining tomatoes tomorrow night.

My winter squashes are up pretty well. I have a few missing on the upper patch. I also spotted my first greasy bean plant and watermelon this evening. I am hoping after watering last night and that rain shower earlier they will come up. This seems to be a weird garden year. My okra also jumped over night. My first cucumber patch looks good, but one part of a vine suddenly wilted and I have a few leaves with yellow spots.

My garden will probably be "meh" this year. It is days like these past few that I laugh at the survivalists who have their seeds stored, but no garden setup now. This is my sixth or seventh garden, and I am re-learning a lot and remembering all of the extra maintenance it takes to establish a productive garden.

I think I may be getting sick. I am swim headed, and have a lot of drainage. I have kept a sinus infection this past year. I think it is flared back up. After I got my plants, I took a big nap. I wasn't up to snuff!

Hope everyone has a good night!


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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Oh wow, those berries look so good! I've been buying them weekly at the supermarket here, I can't wait for mine to start producing.

Hope your tomato plants will recover and produce for you and that you will get feeling better!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Those are beautiful, BB!!! You should submit that pic to the P of the W, for sure...just lovely to look upon.

BB, you have done more homesteading/gardening in your young life than most oldsters nowadays have done....I've always been so very impressed with your gumption and also wished you could spread it like a virus to my own boys. They have absolutely no interest in gardening, raising food, homesteading(beyond just having land to hunt on and pee on).

That you also can is simply are going to make some young lady a great husband one day. :hugs You are so rare in your generation...even in MY generation.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Thanks, folks.

@Beekissed thank you. It is just where my heart is with it. I love this way of life, and the heartache that sometimes comes with it. I always considered myself an old soul. It feels right to be back in this way.

I'm going to the doctor this morning. I'm not much better, and I have so much to do before I start work in two weeks.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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I was able to walk in at the clinic this morning and get looked at. I normally don't get sick much. However, since I student taught this past year-- I have been sick a lot. The kiddos carry all kinds of germs. I have sinus drainage and a severe ear infection. Second infection in two months. I got two shots and an antibiotic. I am feeling better. Right now, I am sweating it out profusely.

I didn't get any heavy gardening done this morning. I didn't feel like getting out in the heat. I did make blueberry jam. I managed to can up five half pints. It is a favorite. It's very tangy. Now, saving up for another batch in a few days.


This afternoon, I have mainly started cleaning on my old bedroom and working on reorganizing things to move my bed and clothes from college home in a few weeks. I have accumulated so many books in the past ten years, and I can't bear to store them or get rid of them. However, they have outgrown my book shelf. A friend of mine from church makes custom furniture and I think I might get him to build one this fall. I have books everywhere and I ordered some more today.

For anyone interested, Backwoods Home Magazine sold their warehouse and are having sales and a discount going right now. I got about eighty dollars worth of books for thirty dollars today. In my opinion, they have the best selection of references and writers out there for self reliant living.

You can check it out here

Tonight, I am going to get back to cleaning and arranging in my room. My desk is next on the list. Hopefully, I will continue to get better and can set out a few marigolds and zinnias around my cucumbers and squashes. And if I'm feeling really spunky maybe re-plant some squash seeds in a few hills. Some came up great and some did not. Oh well. Tis' life.

I'm not sure who all is a Southern Gospel fan, BUT if you are or want to be here is a great song from The McKameys that I found the other day and have fell in love with it. Listen to it--- its good stuff.

"The Holy Spirit Prayed"

Have a great day!