Are we living our dream?

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I know…I am just a ray of sunshine. Well yesterday, after I got up and moving I had to track DH down in the bayou because he had forgotten his meds but I left the house with a bag of nightgowns my niece said she wanted. I figured less is more and because I was gonna be in the neighborhood I called DSis and told her I was going to either the Dollar Tree or the Dollar Store for a few jars of spaghetti. She asked me to bring her…doesn’t drive anymore. I got a few seeds I plan on starting for the fall garden 4 for $1, some small garden tools, a few canvases for DH to try…not sure what an artist really likes in canvas, some glass hanging planters I might try with simple aquaponics, flowers for Momma’s tomb and a bunch of long shelf life milk (one luxury after Ida). DSis found a bunch of shirts big enough for DH so bought them all. Hard to pass up $1.25. We will have to go back because by the time I found the spaghetti sauce I didn’t have room for anything and I think we left some milk. I want at least 15 gallons of milk stored before May.
By the time I got DSis home and she had taken her stuff out of the truck it was getting late and I ran around doing chores before it got too dark. DH called me and told me they had enough fishing for one day and were picking up the boat and to meet him at his friends house but I knew it would take a while to fillet all those fish so I bought DH his bananas and French bread and I came home to unload the truck. Of course I wasn’t moving fast enough for him so he called back. His friend was in a vehicle accident sometime in the 80’s and is a paraplegic but he does more than most whole men. Every time it gets cold he wants to put out the jug lines and catch fish but all he can do is steer the boat so DH throws the lines and later catches the fish. The friend wants to eat his fish fresh so I can plan on a fish fry that night every time.
DS texted me a few times. He didn’t say anything about our earlier upset but apparently I am parent of the century again. He never could stay mad at me long. He spoke of a man who once threatened our whole family and the law was involved and basically said he’d love to knock him out. In my peacekeeping way I tried reminding him of my age and realize that although I am older than that man that he is likely worse off because of his life choices and to knock him out would be like punching an old man in a nursing home. I then created an alternative and wrote a story about him seeing the creep at a bar and asking the bar tender what is that man drinking and buying himself a beer and one for the creep and they start talking about life and he then starts talking about an event he can’t forget and still the creep doesn’t realize he is in the story until he looks him in the eye and tells him and then admits that he is a trained killer and doesn’t need weapons, that he has fantasized about harming him most of his life but he has children and he doesn’t want his children to have his anger so instead of giving him what he deserves he bought him a beer. Have a great life and walk out. .. So he gave my story a ❤️ and told me I had just written the most beautiful ending to a movie and that if he ever runs into the dude he truly hopes it can happen exactly like that. He then talked to me about his high school days in Ag class where he claimed he was top of his class…something I never knew. He had surprised me with yellow squash from his section of the school garden. He said he planted everything just like I had showed him and it grew a lot. Said no one else chose squash. I remember smothering some with shrimp. Same son yelling at me 2 nights before that I am not a saint.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I have brought Sis to the Dollar Tree at least 3 times in one week now. She wanted to go yesterday and I really didn’t need to but she swore the asparagus and mushrooms in the glass jars were the best she ever ate and so I told DH I really didn’t need anything but I could always grab a few of those jars and get more milk for the pantry. Done. I swear I think we the only ones buying all the shelf milk cartons. I must have at least 10 gallons next hurricane season.
I took a credit card away from National Debt Relief yesterday because I was not satisfied with the way they handled my accounts….which were all in good standing until I got with them. I just wanted to settle them was all.
Well maybe I can get some stuff done today. We took inventory of the rabbits at DH’s farm yesterday. Out of 6 rabbits we had one castrated buck and one young buck. 4 does in various ways….only one ready. Not sure the buck knew what to do. I was feeling sick because I hadn’t eaten yet. Maybe we can try again today. Oh….and he said one doe was pregnant. Lucky he checked. He put her a lot of hay so she has nesting material. I hope he is right. But that would mean she arrived pregnant.
I know all the rabbits at my house are does.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Yes!!!! My boy is getting all his equipment ready in case he needs to do his thing. Today he was doing something I ordinarily wouldn’t think he could do and I questioned him about that…. I mean his job is blowing stuff up. Why was he working on a truck? He told me the equipment he needs to blow up stuff doesn’t move around on hopes and dreams 🤦‍♀️
Well I often marvel at the amount of junk that somehow lands on the floor. I guess you can say I found a lot today.
I had picked up DH’s doctors chairs from his office after Ida and he returned with me to collect the rest for the dance studio my niece runs and he wanted the rolling chest of drawers. So we now each have one on each side of the bed. And I have a little imported electricity on my side for assistance breathing (CPAP) and reading lamp. I don’t think my sheets are coming off too easily now. And I have a wall cleared for….book shelves??? 🤷‍♀️
I have a feeling I will be sore tomorrow. DH has been busy all day as well.
I always knew I loved my children; I just didn’t realize how much until one of them enlisted.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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This piece belonged to my great- grandmother and my dad shrunk the top for my grandmother who used it in her store for years.
I am thinking about sanding it down and then applying tongue oil or something to give it a new finish.
I guess I am doing okay. I have coffee in front of me, a list with the stuff I need to obtain from the hardware store, including this project as well as a toilet float for the rabbit water, which I think is optional so long as we keep filling the bucket but we now have our entire herd on automatic watering systems. So maybe I can get some book shelves on the wall behind that table. It’s really the only place I can have book shelves.
Have a great day!!


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Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Late start today. DH is already in the garden planting okra, green beans and squash seeds. Maybe I will join him. Maybe I will tackle this mess. I really want a sewing room and DD5 is here. She needs to be studying though. Much of Louisiana is partying as I stay in my own little world. So before I clean up the room I want to use, I need a place to put all this stuff. Hmmm. Let’s see if I can do something….

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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DD got a call from our family charity case…..troubled teen and new adult who was taken from her parents by her godmother to try to protect and she went wild regardless. She wanted a place for her and her boyfriend to stay. I was opposed but DH allowed it. I insisted on separate sleeping arrangements and started issuing instructions for the room to be fixed. Then I was like…. You know what… I am amazing…These kids could be my grandchildren and I can still outdo all of them. I ended up getting so much done with no help. They showed up hungry and the guy had a bunch of gun scopes and then I realized he had 6 cell phones that he randomly found. I just looked at DH and he was looking at me. They stayed a few hours and then left for some ridiculous reasons and supposedly they probably returning this morning. My relative has spent many nights with my girls and there was usually some kind of drama. My cigarette machine and tobacco was missing or something (I only have that to cut it with medicinal herbs to help people stop smoking). DH wanted to let DD be hospitable and show charity. I offered my relative to stay with me a while back, before she hooked up with the iPhone king. I rather hope they find another place to stay or she just returns alone. Even if she returns alone I don’t know what to do with her. She claims she was in her dad’s house but it’s messed up and full of mold and he wasn’t cleaning it. I told DD she should have been cleaning it while her dad was out working. Kids!!
Well I guess that’s one way to clean up the extra bedroom fast. It’s still a mess but it’s clear enough for someone to sleep in.
I have a few things to do today….feed our farms, continue cleaning the back porch, start Lent and take girls to the dentist.
I am up first so I got first dibs on the coffee.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Good morning. So gas prices are the big talk and all. I have been spending more time with my younger sister who sadly isn’t in good health. She doesn’t drive and I have been bringing her to Mass and to the grocery store. DH sends her fish. So Monday I was going up the bayou because I heard of an old man who was selling lots of garden plants for $0.50 each and no stores can compete with that. So I am almost there and my ex started texting me regarding our 18 year old being taken off of SS and only the youngest child receiving all the benefits and asking me why I didn’t tell him. So much drama!! I tried to explain that it didn’t make any difference because I received the same money and DD worked with me all summer to have even more money but he only wants to scream and not listen. I bought a bunch of plants and ended up exchanging numbers with the old man and the ex is still calling me to yell. I drove a few feet and took his call but didn’t put him on speaker and I told my sister…look this is how I handle this problem and while he was all stupid on the phone I blocked him and then hung up. Shortly afterwards I started getting frantic text messages from the girls that I needed to come get them. I am 5 towns away from them and suddenly I am driving over the limit heading down the bayou to drop off my sister with both of our plants. I get a call from middle child asking wth is going on and I explain and learn she is in route to get the 3 girls because they are all scared. He started yelling at them because they didn’t support him enough. It’s a sad thing but if there is one thing I can count on is eventually getting my kids because he will lose all his stuff and they will need a peaceful place to escape to. So HDD likes to hang with the 18 year old all the time and that one absolutely doesn’t want to live with me although she loves me and comes to me with her needs. But I had to tell HDD that I was her guardian and she has to live with me and youngest child refuses to see her father for a while now. All this mess happened on her 15th birthday. I ended up getting the police to escort me to his house so I can pick up dogs and birthday girl and see my crying daughters. So now I have two of the three girls in the little house. Fortunately only home schooling one. So Monday was such a mess because I was not planning on running all over like that. I am need up needing to tank up. Ouch!! At first I didn’t think DD was going to want to go to Taekwondo but she did. Honestly I think facing off with her father made her desire a black belt. About a month ago she had pulled him off his boyfriend and now he was mad at me for nothing. And to think I had offered to buy him some plants as well. Oh well…life goes on.
Tuesday was calmer. I was able to get all my normal stuff done and make up for missing the pharmacy the day before. And I bought fabric to make DD a new Taekwondo uniform which has been on back order for months. Unfortunately I haven’t cut it out yet but I will…hopefully today. I hope I can alter the gi to be a pullover top because so much less fabric. The pattern I ordered is a traditional uniform. Most of the time DD is the highest belt in the class but Monday was packed and the black belt student and the black belt contender returned. So DD has people she can actually fight with. But neither were there Wednesday 🤷‍♀️
So yeah….gotta get all that mess out of my system and try to focus on giving a good account of myself today. I am hearing so many complaints about fatigue and pain from DH so really gotta get him out of atrial fib as soon as possible. He really has a lot of appointments this month. And we have a bunch of birthdays in March. It’s gonna be expensive.
How to fit animal husbandry, gardening, hurricane repair, homeschool, small engine repair and other related things?? I guess one thing at a time.

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