Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Hope you had a happy national dog day 👍

Country life brake job - internet picture

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
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Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
National eat a peach day was August 22, but I wanted to make sure it was ripe before I picked it

Redhaven Peach picked yesterday. I was going to eat it yesterday, but decided to let it sit on the counter a day (risky I know).

Peach pit cut right half, pretty much free stone. Some people say "melting" - I don't care what some people call them, I just grow them and eat them 😋

First bite, excellent flavor, juicy, large, yellow flesh peach I would buy these peaches, very nice quality. I kind of expected this redhaven to be a good peach though. Redhaven is the "standard" by which all other peaches are compared against.

Unlike my pears this year, this is not a no spray peach, I had problems with funguses and had to spray for them. I'm going to graft a production row of redhaven scionwood and bud chips onto Lovel peach rootstocks. I already have 15 Lovel root stocks potted, just waiting to be grafted late february, early march 😁

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
New tom kitties, fuzzy and boots and new arrival tom cat oscar. Jack the orange a white tom cat is camera shy I reckon 🤷‍♂️ Oscar must have been pre loved a lot he really likes people (me).

IDK... I wanted a chocolate lab, Almighty sends tom cats. Not complaining... I also wanted sheep, he sends cattle 🤷‍♂️ again not complaining... blessed to have them both (tom cats and cattle) 👆.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Country homesteader

Super Self-Sufficient
May 10, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 7A (Crewe, Virginia)
Good Morning everyone! I apologize for not getting on here yesterday had a busy day yesterday- woke up at 2:45 took Savage potty brought him in took Kozmo, Rudy and Remie out (put Rudy and Kozmo in kennel) brought Remie in fixed a cup of coffee drank half decided to take shower and get ready for the day fixed FH lunch got FH up took Savage potty brought Savage in put him in his crate finished gathering stuff together FH took Remie and Sophie potty let them in I put Remie and Sophie in their crates and out the door I went to be dropped off at a friends house so could go to my appointment in the afternoon at David's Bridal and there it is!!! SHHHHH no one speak a word to FH about it. Yes, I was starting to cry in that pic seeing how when you go through life being told you're fat and ugly then to have something so pretty on and you realize yourself you are very pretty and YES I DO HAVE THAT DRESS (well I don't really have it yet but I will in Dec). As my wedding gift one of my Bridesmaids and her husband (no he wasn't there!!!!) paid for it. YES, I'M STILL CRYING OVER IT!!!! The veil I have on was more than the dress and the belt was just about as much as the dress

Everything is right next to the coffee pot so brew a cup and let's on patio. When we got back from the appointment and was at my friends house my Maid of Honor said "now it's real and going to enjoy planning the Bachelorette Party". I have to agree with her it seemed real before with all the planning but now IT"S REALLY REAL!!!! I am going to be a very beautiful bride and FH is going to cry when he sees me walk down the center on June 15, 2024 at 1pm. I already did some looking on Amazon for the veil and found one very similar to that one for a fraction of the cost (compare $20 to $200) and the belt is going to be made for me (that one was $80).


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Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Thanks for the coffee, for some reason I am sore and feel like a truck hit me. Can’t think of a thing that would cause this, so I’m gonna call it heat stressed muscles. LOL

The forage workshop was REAL good. I took pictures of a Vinod like weed that’s invading my pond. The two speakers identified it as alligator weed and told me what to spray it with to kill it, but not harm my dogs or sheep. The speaker on cool and warm season grasses was a retired professor and loaded with a lifetime of information. And he raises goats along with his cattle. So I wasn’t the only small ruminant weirdo in the room. Haha.

He did say that even if we get rains now (none in sight or predicted) the grass is so drought damaged that it won’t have time to recover and grow, for a fall cutting of hay. He also said that we probably won’t get a good stand of cool season grasses.

I have good grass on this place, but it could stand improving. I’m going to do a soil analysis and start from there. One field is crawdad city with mounds everywhere. It stays wet and mushy until it’s extremely hot and dry. He recommended Berseem clover for cool season and rye grass. I think I’ll go with the Berseem clover, but with a non endophyte fescue, Cajun 2. I planted Kentucky 32 fescue in Lindale, another non endophyte type, the sheep loved it and it performed better than rye grass.

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