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  1. dacjohns

    Busy Day Yesterday (April 26, 2011) PIX

    :) That's like the like button.
  2. dacjohns


    The field season is starting later this year for a number of reasons. One of the big ones is money. With all the budget issues forests don't have money that they need to accomplish what needs to be done. This means less work. The other reason is snow. Lots of snow this winter in many...
  3. dacjohns

    Anyone use It looks pretty nifty...

    No experience but it's nice to see you again.
  4. dacjohns

    Abifae - Ciao Babies!

    I think Abi definitely thinks outside the box. Heck, she sees different boxes than we see.
  5. dacjohns

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    I know what you're talking about. We've had two major storms this week and more on the way.
  6. dacjohns


    Had a big storm Tuesday evening. About 5 hours after the storm we lost power. Put the new (last year) generator to use.
  7. dacjohns

    Abifae - Ciao Babies!

    Congratulations Abi. :hugs You Rock. :thumbsup
  8. dacjohns

    Morel Mushrooms Anyone??

    Easier to give you a link than to write it all out.
  9. dacjohns

    Morel Mushrooms Anyone??

    Can't tell you, it's a secret. Yes, we have morels and they are up. Been finding them for about a week now. My wife is the mushroom hunter in our family and has been finding a lot of the half-stems and not so many true morels. She has found some false morels too...
  10. dacjohns

    The "Green" Thing...

    Kids played outside instead of consuming natural resources to power and make their electronic toys. People sat on their porches and enjoyed their friends and neighbors instead of staying inside an airconditioned house watching TV.
  11. dacjohns


    Than you abi. I realized that after changing my thread title and posting a bunch of pictures I didn't say much else. It's springtime, almost summer. The redbuds are almost done blooming, the dogwoods are in bloom, the grass and other plants are coming up like crazy. We had a couple of...
  12. dacjohns

    Abifae - Ciao Babies!

    No, then the cooties will be released. ;) Abi, I really do enjoy your posts and your view on things.
  13. dacjohns

    Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

    OFG, What would you do if someone took away your bacon?
  14. dacjohns


    WZ and FC. Thank you. Love the porch and love that spring is here. Wish it would quit raining. Everytime it rains it means I have to wait almost a week to get the tractor out and do some work. We also went to the Everglades. The Everglades are amazing. Want to go back and spend a week...