Thank you Hardly. I sure am proud of my grandkids and my kids. I'm almost ready to bust some buttons I'm so swelled up with pride.
I made a post over in your diary.
I'm not feeling too eloquent and I don't feel like taking the time to develope a well thought out and composed post so you get the usual. Short choppy incoherent bullets with maybe a smattering of misspellings thrown in for good measure.
I think self reliance is a more accurate term. To me...
Are you thinking the family is going to resist the wood stove or do you think finding and installing the right stove is going to be the problem?
Multi-fuel wood stoves I am not familiar with. Have you considered an outdoors stove that will hook up to existing ductwork? Duh, of course...
The backstage stuff keeps a lot people out of trouble.
I think (hope) it will all settle down in a day or two and everything will be back to its normal abnormality.
Since I don't "live" on here I pick and choose which topics to read. When I was on everyday I would read just about everything. Now that I don't come here everyday and more than once a day I miss things. It's probably a good thing.
Once again, this is a great site. Hang in there folks. Be...