I am glad you and your mom have each other. I can only imagine how much harder this journey would have been for either one of you alone. With each other's support, you will thrive.
Enjoy her (and her cleaning, and the bread, and the soup . . .) :lol:
It does make it easier for me to get up in the morning.
But, it makes it harder to get anything done outside after supper.
I feel like it's bedtime at 8pm.
I'm ready for summer. :rolleyes:
I had to run to Cleveland today, which is about a 30 minute drive. I usually go once or twice every couple of weeks.
Guess what is opening a huge store there?
GOODWILL!! :bun :bun :bun :bun :bun
Now I will have access to 2 giant Goodwill stores...
It measure in ounces up to 3 lbs (I think). I use plastic measuring cups so they aren't that heavy. I do small 2 lb. batches usually, so it's enough for me know. I do keep a calculator handy just in case I have to combine two different weights.
I write on each of my containers how much they...
Today, I have been trying to get some monster loads of laundry done. It's a beautiful day at 58 and I'm taking advantage of it. Rain is supposed to set back in tomorrow. :(
Between loads, I made 8 bars of rebatched soap. Five are Honeysuckle and 3 are Dog Bath soap.
I finally gave in and...