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  1. cabinchick

    Dark Circles Under Eyes

    :) Thanks everyone for your responses! I appreciate your input. The facts are: I've had my liver and kidneys tested. They are A-okay. I love the food pyramid Bubblingbrooks posted and it looks very similar to what I eat! Love steel cut oats with blueberries for breakfast, yum! I DO eat a lot of...
  2. cabinchick

    Homeowner forecloses on bank of america--sweet

    :D Great video, shared it on my Facebook. It's about time B of A got a taste of their own medicine. How many times have we watched or read the media telling us that banks are foreclosing on people's homes by mistake??? This B of A may lose their office furniture, but people are losing their...
  3. cabinchick

    Heal Naturally - Go To Jail

    IF I were to retire in another country, Thailand would be THE place! I've been there twice, on different sides of the country, and had an absolutely wonderful time in both areas!
  4. cabinchick

    Dark Circles Under Eyes

    Hmmmm... everything the modern nutritionists tell us to eat is those very products you mentioned. Healthy carbs they are called. So now that I've weaned myself off of the "white" carbs, I need to wean myself off of these carbs too :he What's left :/ ?
  5. cabinchick

    Dark Circles Under Eyes

    :frow Hi All! This is a vanity problem of sorts :P . My mom took me to the doctor when I was about 10 years old to check on the dark circles under my eyes. He said I must not be getting enough sleep, but this problem has persisted :barnie . I am borderline anemic but can't take iron tablets as...
  6. cabinchick

    Aaahh, sweet internet, how I've missed you!!

    It IS cute :) ! Good job :thumbsup
  7. cabinchick

    Bit My Lip - Hard!

    I was afraid to put ice on my lip when I posted because I thought it would stick to my lip - duh ! Put it in a ziploc and it worked great! Swelling was reduced and I did have a coconut smoothie which was soothing. Can't do the salt water thing :sick the taste is just too much for me although I...
  8. cabinchick

    Bit My Lip - Hard!

    Hi All: Somehow during dinner last night I bit my bottom lip really hard. It was bleeding and hurt so bad I couldn't finish eating. Today its swollen to the point where I bit it again at breakfast :hit Tried putting some ACV on it, but it stung like crazy and I hate the taste. Any ideas to get...
  9. cabinchick

    Forum Updates Coming!!! - Picture Submissions Needed

    These pics are inspirational! Keep 'em coming :thumbsup
  10. cabinchick

    Bible app suggestions?

    I love YouVersion Bible Ap :) Keep it on my iPhone, has all translations plus many, many more features. I was on vacation and visited a church where the pastor preached from his iPhone using this ap :lol: no paper bible in hand! It rocks!
  11. cabinchick

    Homemade Compost Tumbler.

    :) THANKS mydakota, my husband now has a new project, without the excuse of how to put one of these together :lol: This will be a great addition to my garden next year - yes, it will take him that long since it's the latest on my honeydew list :lau
  12. cabinchick

    Homemade Compost Tumbler.

    :) I love the white paint on the stand. Could your hubby give us some specifics on the dimensions of the wood, etc?
  13. cabinchick

    Newbie from Idaho

    Hello All, I've been reading the threads and enjoying every one! Some very creative folks out there. Looking forward to learning more and implementing some SS ideas... :)