Towels really don't work the best. I had a sling for Athena. Donated that to the vet because they will give it to someone who needed it.
Zeus had broke his leg at 5 months. It's very hard keeping a hyper dog calm
I think quinoa is best with some spicy and flavorful. That way it covers the saponin taste that I hate. I've noticed different brands are washed better than others to remove it.
I had a rubber mat in my truck bed when I got it from my uncle. Had to remove it because it made hauling straw in and out more difficult. Or putting anything in with a forklift because sometimes sliding it makes it easier.
I think the tires would be just as bad
I had got 6 barred rocks from the feed store once that were mean and bullies. Kept trying to kill the silkies, who lived in a different pen. I tried isolation and everything else to break their bad habits. Worked on 4 of them. Had to butcher 2 because they would not stop attacking either me or...
Grocery Outlet here has a case of regular mouth quarts for $10. They had 8 pints in a shipping box for $6. I grabbed a couple of those because I may want the boxes at some point.
Which is why you aren't supposed to use mean roosters for breeding. Too many good ones who can recognize friend from foe and still protect their ladies.
One of my books on paint history talks about how finely ground rust was used sometimes for the flour paint used on barns. Red ochre was also used to color it. Whatever they had that was cheap to add color. Cooked flour paint was cheap. The iron oxide helped prevent insects from eating the wood
I do jams in pints because hubby likes to switch flavors fairly often. Tuna goes in 10 oz jars. Pint is too much there. Meat goes in quarts. I don't usually can any veggies.
Lotions and creams go in the 4 oz jelly jars. They are the best size I found
We're eating more jelly because pb&j is one of the few sandwiches I can make hubby for lunch and be low sodium.
Natural peanut butter. No salt. If you add honey it doesn't separate.