Thanks Horse, glad you like the videos!
Xpc, I live in Utah ?
Hi Pioneer,
The raised beds are for my salad garden and I have a regular garden plot for everything else.
I raise rabbits and chickens and hunt and fish for about 50% of my food. I barter for a lot of supplies as well.
I use...
Hey XPC,
You may have seen those pics and videos on many websites as my cabin has been featured in Mother Earth News,, and my books have been professionally reviewed many times.
I also own
I belong to groups like these to help people where I can...
Thanks Chickenjoe!
I have a small woodstove I keep for backup but wood is expensive here even to haul yourself.
I scrounge wood and have about 6 tons stored away.
propane is good for off-grid because it will run so many appliances but I have solar backups for all my systems if needed.
Thanks for the warm welcome!
I read that same article Tanks. Now they want everyone to rent instead of buy a home ?
Anyone can but a small piece of property and build a self sufficient solar home like mine for under $20,000 easy.
The banks and real estate moguls do not want people to know...
HI folks,
I am new to this forum but a long time off-grid homesteader.
I live in a solar cabin I designed and built myself. I use solar and wind power. Propane for fridge, stove furnace and OD water heater.
Drilled my own water well, harvest rain and grey water and use a solar composting...