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  1. Blue Skys

    Horse Slaugher Now Legal for Human Consumption

    this is a quote from Coastal Equine Veterinary Service, my family used them when I was growing up. It helped me to understand. "Congress Passes USDA Appropriations Bill - USDA Inspection of Horse Processing Allowed to Resume A provision that had prohibited USDA funds being used for personnel...
  2. Blue Skys

    What's your hot beverage of choice during the winter?

    Chai tea with a little honey and a touch of cream. Nothing better on a cold winter evening. :love
  3. Blue Skys

    The Pagan Circle

    I haven't posted anything on here in a long while, but I have lurked. I just had to thank y'all for starting this thread. I have had LOTS of changes in my life recently and it's really made me reflect on what I want and really what/who I am. I have really been needing some sort of like minded...
  4. Blue Skys

    Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!

    Just read through your worm post and thought I would say it happens to everyone! But your puppy sounds like it has tapeworms. You can't see evidence of hookworms, and the tapeworms shed peices of their segmented bodies, that's what the rice looking thing is, just a segment. Tapeworms are...
  5. Blue Skys

    Office Visit Fee

    At my vet they only charge an exam fee if a doctor actually exams the pet. If you only want boosters they will charge for the shot and a small fee for giving it, but way less than an exam, likewise with any bloodwork or anything, if a doctor doesn't examine the animal a tech draws blood or...
  6. Blue Skys

    Need Pregnancy Nutrition Suggestions for Difficult Situation

    Sorry for your losses, I just thought I would mention raw grass fed beef liver. I don't have my book near me, but it's mentioned in Nurishing Traditions for expecting women, and for baby's first food, maybe you could add a little to a smoothie? Sounds yucky now that I typed that, but it should...
  7. Blue Skys

    Help me change my style! Bought a couple things!

    When I was younger, about 10-15 years ago I made a lot of my own clothes, mostly skirts and simple tops. During the winter I would always wear blue jeans under my skirt to keep warm, and I liked the look. I am not what anyone may call fashionable, never have been, but it's functional, if...
  8. Blue Skys

    UFOs This Week

    I think there is a lot more distraction that goes along with eeryone having fancy camera phones. They are all on facebook, or texting. Too busy to take a look up at the sky to see whats up there to take pictures of... Just a thought.
  9. Blue Skys

    going GF? test results...

    I never bothered to get tested because it doesn't matter to me if I have a diagnosis or not. I feel better that's all that matters. I am regular for the first time since I can remember, My skin has cleared up and I feel great. I also bruised very easily, but didn't realize that may have had...
  10. Blue Skys

    Best kids' movies of all time

    Flight of the Navagator Bed Knobs and Broomsticks Howard the Duck The Garbage Pail Kids From the 80' s but if he has eclectic tastes, he may enjoy them. :)
  11. Blue Skys

    George Carlin one liners

    I thinks it's funny :gig
  12. Blue Skys

    thanksgiving....gluten free?

    For dessert I'm doing sauteed apples with cinamon and walnuts, drizzled with just a touch of honey. Serve it warm and you don't miss any crust or anything... Better yet, serve it with ice cream on top :drool I'm also making pumpkin pie, with a crushed pecan crust. Wifezilla, posted her...
  13. Blue Skys

    Treasure in the Compost Pile (PIX)

    I did the exact same thing over the weekend. I took pictures too :D
  14. Blue Skys

    Thanksgiving~ What's on your menu?

    Would you mind sharing how you make your mushroom gravy and stuffing?
  15. Blue Skys

    Blackbird's SS Journal - Country to City

    That just reminded me of "The Real Dirt on Farmer John" especially with the flowers and green flowy thingys. You'll find where you belong, it may just take some time. But if you haven't watched that movie, I recommend it. You're not the only "weirdo"!!! :D
  16. Blue Skys

    So where should we move?

    I have lived in VA and in TX. I love it in TX! The differences that I can think of is that a lot of counties that I have looked at allow livestock even in city limits, I'm sure some don't, but it is not odd to see a donkey and chickens in neighborhood backyards. Raw milk sales are legal from...
  17. Blue Skys

    CNN Reports on Disclosure of UFOs in the USA

    I've seen a ufo, it was quite strange and I didn't even realize what it was until a couple of months later. I know they are out their, but what scares me is the unknown. The unknown of their capabilities, the unknown of their intentions. So the op is right that the only way I can prepare is...
  18. Blue Skys

    Toddler getting a little too up-close and personal with chickens...

    I was always barefoot, and honestly still am as much as possible, I got pin worms one time... Lice once too, no big deal we treated both parasites as a family and I think it was from school, not the animals... let her continue to enjoy herself, and worry about the other stuff if it happens, it...