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  1. C

    I put in my notice today at work :s

    pfffff Thanks, ETR. When I mentioned to my aunt that I might be staying on part time, she asked me if I was having second thoughts about quitting permantly and I'm really not! If I work, say, 5 hours a day for 2 or 3 days a week, that doesn't seem like much. But then I have to add an hour for...
  2. C


    I have read repeatedly that you are supposed to do that (pluck the blooms off the first year.) But I run into so few people who actually do it. It must be very painful. LOL I got about 18-20 plants from a freecycle neighbor that I planted in the fall. They seem to be growing and thriving even...
  3. C

    I put in my notice today at work :s

    I am a flippin' basket case! About two weeks before I put in my notice (but after I had warned Mr. C that I was going to put in my notice eventually) I began to have trouble sleeping at night. For several nights in a row, I would only get 3 hours of sleep each night. During the holidays, my...
  4. C

    All-natural cold sore remedy? *ick warning*

    Oh, long story... didn't mean to bore you with it, but I will. :lol: Seven years or so ago I was taking some online classes. My computer was in a noisy part of the house so I started wearing headphones all the time, for several hours a day, listening to music while studying. That's when my ears...
  5. C

    I wrote a funny story about my self sufficient family

    Thanks y'all. It was fun to write. :) I do some writing every once in a while. Mainly stuff I don't get credited for. Like, my high school aged neice will call at 9:30 at night to get help with a writing assignment she should have had done a week ago so we're up til midnight... that kind of...
  6. C

    I wrote a funny story about my self sufficient family

    This is a true story I wrote about today. It still cracks me up. It happened two years ago. The explanation of why my husband doesn't want me to use his tools. Have a look if you've got 15 minutes to kill. Cassandra
  7. C

    Yee haw. Y'all check out my $12 greenhouse. :)

    Well, I keep wanting to take pictures of it and I keep not doing it because we've been gone and the weather has been bad (don't want to stand out in the rain with my camera.) So, I will try to describe it. LOL It's been going for a few weeks now, right? We have had one good spell of freezing...
  8. C

    All-natural cold sore remedy? *ick warning*

    is that Sam Elliot?! omg where have I been? Sit down to watch tv with the hubby and see what you miss! Ok, I admit, I don't find it all that gross. Especially if you don't have to put it ON your lip. (like where you could taste it.) I mean, it's already on the skin of your ear. What's the big...
  9. C


    Good read, dac! I will try that should I ever need to again (heaven forbid.) Since moving out to the country, I have had spiders, centipedes, mysterious worms, lizards, grasshopper, horse flies, wasps, bees, mice, rats and snakes. But nary a cockroach. LOL Cassandra
  10. C


    In a way. It was a calculated risk. I chose chemicals over roaches. As far as I can tell, there is no difference in our health or quality of life now vs. when we were living in the apartment and spraying on a regular basis. Over the course of my life, I try to be aware of toxins and reduce my...
  11. C


    Being a property manager--man, we deal with this a lot. My boss (the property owner) will only pay for the service one time, when the tenant first moves in. It is his opinion that it is the tenants responsibility after that point. I won't argue his moral responsibility. ;) I'm sure he has his...
  12. C

    Help? I don't want to hurt my husbands feelings....

    If you just want a to graze a couple of goats around your yard, you could buy a few panels of chainlink dog fence and move it around. I borrowed a contraption like that from my aunt one time as an emergency chicken contianment area. They had 5 panels that were 6' tall and 10' long. Plus one...
  13. C

    Who's starting their garden early?

    I just got an order of seeds in today. I've got a couple of empty milk jugs to use as mini green houses. I might trying planting a little lettuce mix. It won't make much, but there's thousands of seeds in a packet, so I figure I have enough to play with until real planthing weather moves in. I...
  14. C

    Vote to stop NAIS

    :lol: Are you serious it got locked? I have been out of town all day. (Went to have Christmas at my mom's.) I haven't even seen it. I'm sure it's absurd. There is so much of this "I think this way and you must be stupid if you think something else" over there. It's like third grade all over...
  15. C

    Vote to stop NAIS

    Hey, I posted about this over at BYC (because there's so many people there who could be hurt by this.) A Homesteading Neophyte explains how to go to to let Obama know how we feel about NAIS. Please read her post and go vote. :)...
  16. C

    I put in my notice today at work :s

    Squeal! How exciting. I feel better knowing I have someone jumping out there with me. :) Cassandra (biting nails)
  17. C

    I put in my notice today at work :s

    I am a nervous wreck! It was very hard to do and my boss said (half jokingly) "That is NOT good news!" It is humbling to be needed and depended on, but my family needs me more. I gave a month's notice with the option of helping them out periodically if necessary. It is also flattering that...
  18. C

    Recycled food cans

    Use something sticky if you aren't that worried about the walls. hot glue, any kind of glue! Silly putty or bubble gum. :) i love the idea. I was just thinking today how I could recycle food cans. I die a little each time I throw one away. Neat idea! Cassandra
  19. C

    Anybody make their own puppy training pads?

    I was gonna say a shower curtain liner under newspapers or towels (along the same theme as everyone else, I guess.) But wow, just letting them go wherever they please. What a concept. Just like living outside! :lol: Cassandra
  20. C

    Pressure Canner'????

    My pressure cooker/canner uses the guage on top that tells you the pressure. It also says it is perfect to use on ceramic cooktops. I think we've figured out the problem with canning on ceramic cooktops is that the bottom diameter of the pan you are using can not be more than two inches larger...